
Marvelous Chapmanville, WV Homeowners Insurance Facts

Marvelous facts to give you ideas to save on your Chapmanville, WV homeowners insurance quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Chapmanville, WV & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Kimberly 4 bedroom 10 $550
2 Bud 4 bedroom 11 $356
3 Bartley 4 bedroom 22 $446
4 Page 3 bedroom 34 $483
5 Gauley Bridge 1 bedroom 48 $176
6 Kistler 2 bedroom 57 $495
7 Davy 3 bedroom 73 $356
8 Rossmore 2 bedroom 73 $150
9 Grundy 1 bedroom 106 $446
10 Carroll 4 bedroom 155 $550
11 Omar 3 bedroom 181 $495
12 Stanaford 3 bedroom 231 $660
13 Montgomery 1 bedroom 238 $300
14 Chapmanville 2 bedroom 292 $507
15 Man 3 bedroom 419 $495
16 Barboursville 3 bedroom 735 $472
17 Kermit Harvey 3 bedroom 976 $463
18 Dunbar 2 bedroom 1386 $268
19 Mingo County 3 bedroom 6254 $525
20 Kanawha County 2 bedroom 28361 $516

Chapmanville, WV Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Chattaroy 13 $403 35 $509
2 Page 16 $277 14 $350
3 Proctorville 21 $437 19 $551
4 Pineville 29 $377 48 $475
5 Belle 31 $514 236 $649
6 Piney View 64 $368 65 $465
7 Fort Gay 71 $275 45 $347
8 Coal Grove 73 $282 135 $356
9 Stanaford 76 $776 35 $979
10 Marmet 79 $403 98 $508
11 Chapmanville 163 $599 46 $756
12 South Charleston 175 $563 1303 $710
13 Nitro 200 $416 473 $525
14 Webbville 230 $180 20 $227
15 Clifford 264 $361 60 $456
16 Teaberry 364 $300 98 $379
17 Inez 570 $373 126 $471
18 Buffalo-Union 768 $451 209 $569
19 Buchanan County 1615 $365 994 $461
20 Floyd County 3166 $371 1176 $468

Chapmanville, WV home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Switzer 282 $335 24 $231
2 Sophia 442 $355 39 $284
3 Chapmanville 460 $561 84 $431
4 Eleanor 672 $548 10 $328
5 Chesapeake 684 $375 38 $247
6 Nippa 817 $380 14 $266
7 Logan 834 $444 50 $301
8 Milton 858 $442 154 $291
9 Louisa 2,027 $475 169 $356
10 Pea Ridge 2,033 $585 317 $450
11 Oak Hill 2,816 $401 173 $240
12 Paintsville 4,144 $371 305 $289
13 Lawrence County 4,679 $413 169 $260
14 Teays 4,953 $1,197 230 $849
15 Plateau 5,598 $369 231 $276
16 Boone County 7,171 $382 165 $244
17 Buchanan County 7,730 $261 71 $182
18 Ashland 9,758 $513 1,241 $318
19 Putnam County 18,161 $595 572 $404
20 Charleston 18,675 $837 3,174 $627

Chapmanville, WV home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Bartley 46 $158 30 $194
2 Minden 71 $180 46 $225
3 Raysal 93 $153 26 $192
4 Mount Carbon 134 $409 13 $478
5 Betsy Layne 137 $540 10 $680
6 Danville 160 $417 272 $512
7 War 205 $139 150 $165
8 West Hamlin 285 $407 198 $484
9 Chapmanville 324 $504 334 $579
10 Elkview 410 $496 103 $600
11 MacArthur 585 $330 241 $379
12 Madison 956 $510 424 $601
13 Stanville 1390 $484 548 $629
14 Catlettsburg 1779 $391 620 $480
15 Ashland 2113 $507 524 $659
16 Dunbar 2321 $523 1186 $648
17 Pocatalico 2786 $514 592 $632
18 Buchanan County 7339 $383 2045 $471
19 Boyd County 13415 $580 6193 $730
20 Pike County 19728 $272 7094 $315