
Middletown, WV Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Middletown, WV homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Middletown, WV & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Hepzibah 4 bedroom 19 $646
2 Elco 4 bedroom 23 $958
3 Montrose 2 bedroom 32 $573
4 Roscoe 4 bedroom 35 $660
5 Beallsville 4 bedroom 49 $750
6 Aurora 3 bedroom 61 $358
7 Clover 3 bedroom 84 $562
8 Pennsboro 4 bedroom 97 $828
9 Stonewood 1 bedroom 100 $287
10 Despard 2 bedroom 164 $318
11 Point Marion 3 bedroom 192 $562
12 Bethlehem 3 bedroom 326 $910
13 Shinnston 3 bedroom 510 $577
14 Grafton 2 bedroom 727 $256
15 New Martinsville 2 bedroom 734 $641
16 Dunbar 2 bedroom 939 $358
17 Leadsville 4 bedroom 966 $1,012
18 Middletown 2 bedroom 2865 $472
19 Palatine 3 bedroom 5148 $715
20 Western 3 bedroom 5412 $630

Middletown, WV Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Bellaire 17 $237 111 $276
2 Whiteley 23 $537 60 $626
3 Bentleyville 25 $443 202 $516
4 Bethlehem 27 $621 165 $724
5 Nutter Fort 28 $341 30 $397
6 Shadyside 33 $385 93 $449
7 Philippi 34 $391 426 $456
8 Fairfax 38 $386 53 $450
9 Connellsville 40 $317 386 $370
10 Fisher 40 $544 47 $635
11 Monessen 42 $428 286 $499
12 Charleroi 54 $214 50 $250
13 Bethlehem 71 $741 84 $864
14 Lower Tyrone 72 $495 75 $577
15 Uniontown 73 $320 378 $373
16 South Urban 130 $371 530 $433
17 Menallen 184 $356 193 $415
18 South Union 384 $642 737 $749
19 Middletown 438 $409 984 $476
20 South Strabane 887 $666 737 $777

Middletown, WV home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Republic 484 $174 19 $125
2 Mountain Lake Park 702 $1,039 166 $768
3 Bentleyville 858 $470 165 $376
4 Bethlehem 888 $410 32 $291
5 New Martinsville 1,887 $521 162 $406
6 Freemans Creek 1,891 $393 37 $267
7 Redstone 2,193 $297 19 $178
8 Skin Creek 2,218 $663 133 $483
9 First 2,321 $583 133 $443
10 Cumberland 2,593 $580 149 $435
11 Dunbar 2,612 $487 20 $326
12 South Union 3,696 $761 205 $601
13 Leadsville 4,239 $506 387 $369
14 Lewis County 6,020 $459 255 $284
15 Middletown 6,356 $452 475 $293
16 Fairmont 6,948 $432 578 $332
17 Upshur County 8,239 $401 214 $272
18 Eastern 8,576 $898 3,890 $718
19 Greene County 12,075 $478 564 $348
20 Washington County 74,143 $676 4,930 $507

Middletown, WV home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Rachel 92 $544 17 $641
2 Worthington 116 $270 16 $340
3 Valley Grove 176 $381 36 $449
4 Triadelphia 292 $364 113 $473
5 Rowes Run 308 $330 11 $429
6 Deemston 316 $589 21 $730
7 Donegal 811 $512 269 $640
8 Hatfield 974 $624 148 $798
9 Centerville borough 1067 $633 188 $746
10 Franklin 1313 $648 423 $829
11 1824 $544 721 $690
12 Mead 2016 $426 559 $511
13 Dunbar 2412 $441 544 $533
14 Tucker County 2517 $555 612 $715
15 Tyler County 3059 $452 576 $519
16 Leadsville 3465 $584 1677 $700
17 Middletown 4615 $452 2498 $546
18 West Augusta 5510 $335 1116 $402
19 Monongalia County 20136 $666 15641 $765
20 Washington County 64381 $775 19742 $968