
Incredible Harrison County, WV Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Harrison County, WV homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Harrison County, WV & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 White Hall 4 bedroom 11 $1,457
2 Montrose 3 bedroom 17 $506
3 Auburn 3 bedroom 37 $293
4 Smithfield 2 bedroom 69 $300
5 Pennsboro 4 bedroom 97 $731
6 Whiteley 2 bedroom 109 $455
7 Granville 3 bedroom 117 $428
8 Lumberport 2 bedroom 133 $481
9 Enterprise 2 bedroom 143 $318
10 Middle Fork 3 bedroom 190 $585
11 City 2 bedroom 227 $516
12 Rivesville 3 bedroom 252 $630
13 Stonewood 3 bedroom 394 $525
14 Dunkard 3 bedroom 439 $481
15 Pleasant Valley 2 bedroom 487 $652
16 4 bedroom 607 $1,031
17 Tyler County 3 bedroom 2393 $551
18 Marion County 4 bedroom 3368 $893
19 Fairmont 3 bedroom 3594 $632
20 Harrison County 3 bedroom 13977 $646

Harrison County, WV Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Roaring Creek 10 $372 39 $503
2 10 $471 329 $637
3 Beverly 13 $567 201 $766
4 13 $383 176 $517
5 Middletown 16 $454 1363 $614
6 Palatine 21 $577 1333 $780
7 26 $472 210 $638
8 Lewis County 29 $369 716 $498
9 West Augusta 32 $262 818 $354
10 Cheat Lake 38 $1,041 248 $1,406
11 Leadsville 38 $390 829 $527
12 Wetzel County 42 $288 1138 $390
13 Barbour County 47 $366 535 $495
14 Brookhaven 49 $556 82 $751
15 Central 54 $819 1993 $1,107
16 Harrison County 58 $418 4477 $564
17 Randolph County 61 $346 1386 $467
18 Western 63 $526 1495 $711
19 Marion County 69 $324 3514 $437
20 Eastern 223 $629 850 $850

Harrison County, WV home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Dailey 18 $-4 12 $-2
2 White Hall 135 $764 17 $496
3 West Union 387 $259 36 $199
4 Glenville 463 $302 25 $184
5 City 499 $360 25 $234
6 Powhatan Point 620 $322 36 $199
7 Philippi 1,005 $443 160 $310
8 Buckhannon 1,500 $604 133 $453
9 Beverly 1,611 $677 115 $446
10 Fourth 2,121 $495 40 $321
11 2,176 $409 30 $257
12 First 2,321 $501 133 $360
13 Cheat Lake 2,704 $1,114 77 $724
14 South Urban 4,171 $533 345 $373
15 Barbour County 5,924 $429 215 $304
16 Monroe County 6,245 $439 130 $320
17 Wetzel County 6,253 $453 189 $276
18 Fairmont 6,948 $345 578 $244
19 Monongalia County 22,895 $920 6,463 $680
20 Harrison County 24,641 $451 1,099 $315

Harrison County, WV home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Flemington 95 $336 25 $396
2 Flatwoods 119 $207 53 $256
3 Thomas 184 $388 74 $485
4 Anmoore 228 $305 139 $378
5 City 248 $404 358 $480
6 Mount Morris 260 $440 80 $519
7 Point Marion 322 $358 139 $447
8 Murphy 389 $387 63 $472
9 Barrackville 452 $573 91 $699
10 Powhatan Point 478 $293 214 $345
11 Parsons 480 $375 177 $442
12 Center 551 $243 91 $306
13 Harrisville 603 $467 253 $541
14 Westover 878 $615 700 $707
15 Black Fork 1218 $491 341 $638
16 Third 2841 $416 420 $490
17 Tyler County 3059 $322 576 $373
18 Lewis County 4639 $450 1931 $540
19 Monroe County 4851 $385 1220 $481
20 Harrison County 20419 $517 7342 $625