
Excellent Omar, WV Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Omar, WV homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Omar, WV & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Bradley 4 bedroom 14 $812
2 Glen Fork 4 bedroom 18 $682
3 Matoaka 4 bedroom 23 $701
4 Bolt 2 bedroom 26 $573
5 Kopperston 4 bedroom 30 $910
6 Corinne 4 bedroom 38 $663
7 Glen White 1 bedroom 40 $331
8 Falls View 3 bedroom 51 $262
9 Crumpler 2 bedroom 60 $281
10 Omar 5 or more bedrooms 74 $828
11 Chauncey 3 bedroom 81 $563
12 Pocahontas 3 bedroom 106 $385
13 Matheny 3 bedroom 155 $551
14 Mullens 4 bedroom 178 $630
15 Dunbar 1 bedroom 459 $350
16 Nippa 2 bedroom 474 $585
17 Adams 3 bedroom 699 $641
18 Raccoon 3 bedroom 1085 $350
19 South Williamson 2 bedroom 1244 $256
20 Prestonsburg 3 bedroom 3117 $646

Omar, WV Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Bradley 10 $459 96 $594
2 Western 13 $353 297 $457
3 Beech Ben Mate 15 $199 34 $257
4 Stafford 21 $155 118 $201
5 Raccoon 22 $271 155 $351
6 Teays Valley 22 $778 373 $1,005
7 Hurricane 28 $744 356 $962
8 Pikeville 28 $486 730 $628
9 Teays 31 $877 316 $1,133
10 Charleston 31 $606 3538 $783
11 Stonewall 34 $217 219 $280
12 Williamson 35 $307 112 $397
13 Raleigh County 47 $382 3079 $493
14 Richlands 63 $372 275 $481
15 Johnson County 70 $320 857 $414
16 Kanawha County 74 $461 11479 $596
17 Boone County 77 $326 834 $422
18 Northwestern 77 $354 584 $458
19 Tazewell County 90 $372 2353 $481
20 Wayne County 93 $371 2155 $480

Omar, WV home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Danville 196 $383 130 $268
2 Chapmanville 460 $617 84 $401
3 Marmet 529 $322 20 $209
4 Mount Gay-Shamrock 625 $252 33 $161
5 Man 680 $507 58 $354
6 Welch 797 $305 155 $222
7 Nippa 817 $484 14 $353
8 Willis 1,039 $371 17 $296
9 Washington 1,059 $430 13 $309
10 Sheridan 1,453 $424 57 $318
11 Williamson 1,530 $376 147 $297
12 New Garden 2,159 $369 81 $254
13 Stonewall 2,272 $260 12 $197
14 Oak Hill 2,816 $352 173 $214
15 Northern 3,026 $319 65 $248
16 Cross Lanes 3,276 $662 464 $529
17 McDowell County 8,272 $152 171 $121
18 Pike County 16,746 $356 934 $217
19 Charleston 18,675 $610 3,174 $439
20 Raleigh County 27,082 $518 1,252 $414

Omar, WV home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Anawalt 131 $141 11 $173
2 Danville 160 $341 272 $412
3 Powellton 165 $242 27 $300
4 Auxier 186 $471 13 $560
5 Omar 237 $296 61 $372
6 Marmet 398 $437 281 $515
7 Stanaford 402 $770 120 $993
8 Mount Hope 411 $272 294 $350
9 Laurel Hill 580 $220 201 $268
10 Milton 770 $504 418 $640
11 Grundy 817 $551 364 $710
12 Sidney 912 $291 278 $366
13 Weeksbury 964 $265 201 $325
14 Willis 1031 $411 287 $480
15 Dorton 1071 $276 226 $317
16 Hurricane 1098 $278 140 $336
17 Tug Hardee 1289 $436 311 $536
18 Pea Ridge 1799 $612 1109 $728
19 Hurricane 1808 $590 506 $743
20 Paintsville 3942 $331 1729 $410