
Grantsburg, WI Homeowners Insurance Wonderful Info

Wonderful information about Grantsburg, WI homeowners insurance to help you get the cheapest quotes and save

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Grantsburg, WI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Lewis 1 bedroom 15 $508
2 Haugen 1 bedroom 20 $262
3 Kerrick 4 bedroom 30 $1,035
4 Idun 4 bedroom 32 $967
5 Lorain 2 bedroom 38 $563
6 Crystal 3 bedroom 64 $742
7 Amador 4 bedroom 81 $1,462
8 West Marshland 3 bedroom 85 $495
9 Bashaw 4 bedroom 97 $787
10 Cumberland 1 bedroom 190 $281
11 Grantsburg 3 bedroom 236 $682
12 South Harbor 2 bedroom 276 $522
13 Georgetown 3 bedroom 360 $787
14 Linwood 2 bedroom 394 $731
15 Somerset 4 bedroom 403 $1,100
16 Richmond 3 bedroom 556 $750
17 Chisago City 2 bedroom 593 $467
18 Oak Grove 3 bedroom 1205 $1,057
19 Lino Lakes 3 bedroom 2212 $877
20 Mille Lacs County 3 bedroom 4964 $591

Grantsburg, WI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 New Dosey 10 $589 30 $727
2 Grass Lake 10 $479 69 $591
3 St. Croix Falls 10 $509 186 $628
4 Rock Creek 11 $598 80 $738
5 Arthur 12 $577 171 $712
6 New Richmond 13 $492 367 $607
7 Burnett County 16 $432 2568 $533
8 Polk County 17 $448 3927 $553
9 Kettle River 17 $625 56 $772
10 Kanabec County 30 $596 1398 $736
11 Washburn County 31 $571 2052 $704
12 Andover 31 $911 1519 $1,124
13 Mille Lacs County 33 $499 1907 $616
14 Somerset 38 $859 154 $1,060
15 Hugo 40 $821 419 $1,013
16 Forest Lake 43 $973 1465 $1,201
17 Barron County 58 $543 3919 $670
18 Pine County 62 $542 3215 $669
19 Blaine 276 $728 3102 $898
20 Anoka County 381 $643 21241 $794

Grantsburg, WI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Centuria 259 $485 27 $368
2 Turtle Lake 344 $350 67 $276
3 Stacy 359 $414 37 $285
4 Frederic 403 $332 127 $215
5 Grantsburg 404 $518 101 $378
6 Luck 472 $398 34 $278
7 Braham 555 $411 122 $275
8 Hinckley 608 $389 214 $311
9 Spooner 783 $379 90 $291
10 Pine City 908 $480 249 $307
11 Centerville 1,154 $881 120 $607
12 Columbus 1,484 $1,024 14 $768
13 Chisago Lake 1,711 $1,266 10 $873
14 St. Francis 2,212 $835 87 $668
15 Hugo 4,827 $1,075 34 $774
16 Ham Lake 5,086 $891 139 $668
17 Kanabec County 5,839 $622 413 $422
18 Lino Lakes 6,108 $1,184 132 $805
19 Andover 9,580 $969 236 $668
20 Burnett County 12,874 $583 198 $448

Grantsburg, WI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Ogilvie 120 $386 62 $490
2 Askov 140 $362 78 $452
3 Sturgeon Lake 163 $529 66 $629
4 Bear Lake 218 $519 33 $659
5 Mission Creek 233 $772 59 $918
6 Beaver Brook 245 $734 82 $939
7 Page 248 $847 20 $1,058
8 Oxford 249 $1,276 37 $1,556
9 Isle Harbor 267 $732 26 $878
10 Grantsburg 342 $464 322 $584
11 Sandstone 354 $347 321 $416
12 Shafer 364 $1,016 37 $1,178
13 Stacy 458 $530 116 $646
14 Milltown 499 $680 25 $850
15 Franconia 574 $1,185 29 $1,469
16 Isanti 1458 $754 527 $965
17 Circle Pines 1541 $954 378 $1,163
18 Cambridge 1985 $602 1091 $746
19 Rice Lake 2168 $393 1733 $499
20 Pine County 9632 $726 2335 $885