
Fox Lake, WI Homeowners Insurance Excellent Metrics

Understanding these excellent metrics will take you a long way in getting the cheapest deal on your Fox Lake, WI homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Fox Lake, WI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Doylestown 2 bedroom 18 $450
2 St. Marie 4 bedroom 22 $787
3 Waldo 2 bedroom 39 $577
4 Cascade 4 bedroom 57 $787
5 Oakfield 4 bedroom 69 $907
6 Richford 2 bedroom 97 $577
7 Rose 2 bedroom 102 $440
8 Calamus 2 bedroom 106 $550
9 Hampden 3 bedroom 109 $1,127
10 Dellona 4 bedroom 133 $1,045
11 Byron 4 bedroom 150 $1,462
12 Hubbard 2 bedroom 174 $617
13 Auburn 4 bedroom 180 $1,495
14 Slinger 4 bedroom 272 $1,265
15 Random Lake 2 bedroom 281 $780
16 Mecan 2 bedroom 286 $360
17 Fox Lake 2 bedroom 301 $601
18 Springfield 3 bedroom 404 $1,300
19 Albion 3 bedroom 491 $806
20 Ottawa 3 bedroom 797 $1,100

Fox Lake, WI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Allenton 10 $642 80 $773
2 Wild Rose 14 $380 124 $458
3 St. Marie 15 $704 44 $848
4 Pardeeville 19 $659 338 $793
5 Milford 19 $822 190 $989
6 Hebron 19 $832 145 $1,001
7 Rushford 20 $832 201 $1,001
8 Chester 21 $687 82 $827
9 Newport 22 $742 64 $894
10 Oasis 33 $639 32 $769
11 Douglas 42 $738 80 $889
12 Fox Lake 51 $1,043 197 $1,255
13 Coloma 88 $710 104 $855
14 Hubbard 93 $720 194 $867
15 Addison 96 $1,145 334 $1,379
16 Horicon 158 $414 556 $498
17 Menasha 1303 $706 285 $850
18 Adams County 3113 $628 1336 $756
19 Washington County 6298 $966 7164 $1,164
20 Winnebago County 7812 $680 16277 $819

Fox Lake, WI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Cambria 247 $480 24 $384
2 Fountain Prairie 358 $1,044 35 $668
3 West Baraboo 364 $614 76 $472
4 Redgranite 432 $392 66 $309
5 Aurora 434 $724 13 $514
6 Campbellsport 620 $524 41 $356
7 Juneau 692 $434 58 $329
8 Omro 1,154 $399 146 $255
9 Horicon 1,235 $600 152 $432
10 Mayville 1,437 $606 93 $478
11 Westport 1,503 $971 453 $757
12 Jefferson 1,964 $660 351 $429
13 Plymouth 2,157 $558 547 $390
14 DeForest 2,570 $835 220 $501
15 Fort Atkinson 3,924 $753 663 $587
16 Germantown 5,953 $797 816 $510
17 Marquette County 8,213 $536 133 $385
18 Dodge County 27,631 $655 2,911 $497
19 Washington County 42,274 $962 4,609 $634
20 Madison 53,050 $1,000 30,598 $740

Fox Lake, WI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Lyndon Station 123 $359 89 $455
2 Waldo 148 $480 43 $619
3 Lohrville 171 $383 17 $494
4 Allenton 182 $572 163 $737
5 Oxford 296 $535 48 $625
6 Fairfield 318 $907 55 $1,097
7 Saxeville 380 $761 53 $882
8 Mitchell 430 $800 38 $936
9 Springville 465 $547 109 $634
10 Fox Lake 471 $817 64 $1,021
11 Aztalan 492 $823 29 $946
12 Hustisford 501 $686 58 $809
13 Roxbury 598 $1,070 58 $1,316
14 Johnson Creek 724 $763 273 $923
15 Columbus 1468 $686 604 $878
16 Taycheedah 1483 $817 173 $955
17 Sussex 2541 $1,166 1369 $1,422
18 Fort Atkinson 3348 $596 1685 $745
19 Oconomowoc 4596 $753 1576 $873
20 Neenah 7225 $580 3239 $725