
Spectacular Bayfield County, WI Homeowners Insurance Info

Save on your Bayfield County, WI homeowners insurance by knowing this spectacular information that not a lot of people know

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Bayfield County, WI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Gurney 2 bedroom 18 $522
2 Frog Creek 4 bedroom 19 $1,462
3 Franks Field 1 bedroom 24 $402
4 Pequaywan 1 bedroom 54 $637
5 Bayview 4 bedroom 61 $810
6 Brule 2 bedroom 64 $382
7 Iron Belt 3 bedroom 75 $528
8 Keystone 3 bedroom 96 $682
9 Russell 1 bedroom 98 $287
10 Jacobs 2 bedroom 121 $225
11 Little Round Lake 3 bedroom 173 $517
12 Solon Springs 2 bedroom 214 $536
13 Amnicon 3 bedroom 293 $675
14 Lenroot 3 bedroom 332 $765
15 Iron River 2 bedroom 348 $591
16 Arnold 2 bedroom 348 $682
17 Washburn 2 bedroom 390 $483
18 Round Lake 2 bedroom 506 $656
19 Barnes 2 bedroom 687 $495
20 Bayfield County 3 bedroom 4715 $675

Bayfield County, WI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Mason 20 $637 29 $742
2 Oulu 21 $439 52 $512
3 Bennett 22 $581 52 $678
4 Cornucopia 22 $586 22 $683
5 Bayview 29 $786 76 $916
6 Tripp 36 $469 29 $547
7 Poplar 38 $539 38 $628
8 Delta 47 $682 59 $795
9 Chippewa 56 $568 49 $662
10 Maple 56 $538 64 $627
11 Barksdale 57 $707 77 $825
12 La Pointe 72 $649 218 $757
13 Cable 116 $453 183 $528
14 Hunter 157 $501 269 $584
15 Arnold 160 $677 194 $790
16 Rice Lake 164 $692 430 $807
17 Gordon 165 $613 130 $715
18 Lenroot 185 $803 192 $936
19 Bayfield County 1756 $500 2407 $583
20 Duluth 2723 $523 3783 $610

Bayfield County, WI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Little Round Lake 285 $437 39 $332
2 Montreal 421 $211 15 $158
3 Russell 421 $251 30 $185
4 Jacobs 431 $335 28 $237
5 Hurley 610 $297 111 $196
6 Cable 665 $608 30 $389
7 Drummond 725 $561 22 $336
8 Washburn 726 $401 124 $308
9 Lake Nebagamon 734 $945 12 $756
10 Iron River 898 $579 43 $445
11 Arnold 1,067 $767 48 $567
12 Silver Bay 1,089 $434 92 $321
13 Ironwood charter 1,335 $409 61 $286
14 Rice Lake 1,491 $821 48 $582
15 Two Harbors 1,495 $524 219 $419
16 Ashland 2,610 $345 344 $224
17 Iron County 4,957 $378 194 $275
18 Ashland County 7,137 $441 472 $326
19 Bayfield County 10,958 $664 286 $517
20 Duluth 24,629 $549 6,534 $428

Bayfield County, WI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Iron Belt 75 $247 47 $293
2 Knight 88 $242 49 $302
3 Stinnett 97 $421 29 $492
4 Keystone 136 $507 20 $623
5 Namakagon 137 $1,363 17 $1,581
6 Morse 177 $572 15 $737
7 Bayview 204 $910 18 $1,119
8 Eileen 238 $702 31 $877
9 Jacobs 275 $335 64 $418
10 Mellen 277 $200 89 $232
11 Gordon 311 $588 55 $729
12 Hawthorne 318 $478 36 $573
13 Barksdale 320 $565 39 $717
14 Solon Springs 323 $592 36 $692
15 Barnes 331 $783 25 $923
16 Lake Nebagamon 443 $945 97 $1,096
17 Silver Bay 834 $351 139 $442
18 Ashland County 4862 $353 1942 $455
19 Bayfield County 5669 $585 1262 $702
20 Duluth 21380 $520 14482 $598