
Incredible Waukesha, WI Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Waukesha, WI homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Waukesha, WI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Sumner 4 bedroom 103 $1,155
2 Adell 3 bedroom 109 $900
3 Fox Lake Hills 4 bedroom 154 $1,265
4 Fulton 4 bedroom 187 $1,182
5 Third Lake 4 bedroom 217 $1,537
6 Dousman 2 bedroom 219 $712
7 Dover 4 bedroom 306 $1,040
8 Theresa 3 bedroom 333 $632
9 Random Lake 3 bedroom 358 $1,012
10 Wayne 3 bedroom 433 $855
11 Deerfield 3 bedroom 492 $712
12 Fontana-on-Geneva Lake 2 bedroom 635 $990
13 Elm Grove 4 bedroom 728 $2,160
14 Sussex 3 bedroom 1753 $1,300
15 Fox Lake 3 bedroom 1911 $656
16 Norway 3 bedroom 1931 $1,080
17 Caledonia 4 bedroom 1962 $1,210
18 Stoughton 3 bedroom 2223 $810
19 Grant 2 bedroom 3309 $666
20 Waukesha 2 bedroom 8657 $453

Waukesha, WI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Porter 32 $938 56 $1,094
2 Eden 44 $866 53 $1,010
3 Chenequa 47 $4,344 45 $5,064
4 McCullom Lake 61 $480 16 $560
5 Nashotah 70 $1,004 61 $1,171
6 Fox Lake Hills 76 $715 199 $834
7 Shorewood 95 $1,070 589 $1,248
8 Yorkville 107 $875 148 $1,020
9 Barton 156 $1,004 362 $1,171
10 Pleasant Springs 191 $854 302 $995
11 Raymond 248 $1,032 228 $1,203
12 Park City 321 $95 639 $111
13 Milton 350 $491 234 $572
14 South Milwaukee 409 $705 768 $822
15 Spring Grove 570 $960 45 $1,119
16 Richfield 646 $1,122 1092 $1,308
17 Round Lake Beach 1106 $476 1746 $555
18 Fox Lake 1109 $789 1390 $919
19 Grayslake 1443 $783 731 $913
20 Waukesha 3222 $866 6478 $1,010

Waukesha, WI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Cascade 252 $462 11 $360
2 Palmyra 574 $548 77 $367
3 Oostburg 889 $503 32 $387
4 Paddock Lake 1,167 $542 27 $422
5 Columbus 1,555 $590 293 $354
6 Grandwood Park 1,598 $1,200 137 $960
7 Hales Corners 2,306 $1,007 475 $714
8 Shorewood 3,136 $1,039 1,931 $810
9 Beach Park 3,914 $833 76 $649
10 Hartford 4,164 $703 499 $449
11 Whitefish Bay 4,645 $1,501 368 $1,200
12 Oconomowoc 4,996 $1,106 627 $818
13 Round Lake 5,070 $792 469 $498
14 South Milwaukee 5,551 $580 1,124 $388
15 Pleasant Prairie 5,924 $1,056 823 $675
16 West Bend 8,542 $696 2,437 $556
17 New Berlin 13,075 $778 2,310 $599
18 Waukesha 17,946 $856 6,665 $539
19 Milwaukee 121,249 $510 47,429 $377
20 Milwaukee County 217,356 $765 76,857 $573

Waukesha, WI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Brownsville 174 $723 54 $903
2 Lauderdale Lakes 449 $1,046 39 $1,349
3 Nashotah 519 $1,527 92 $1,771
4 Brighton 530 $1,079 76 $1,273
5 Dousman 537 $894 369 $1,081
6 Wind Point 627 $1,165 15 $1,374
7 Dunkirk 733 $816 139 $1,011
8 Oostburg 846 $548 268 $706
9 Dunham 877 $724 161 $861
10 Volo 1020 $835 169 $960
11 Eagle 1086 $1,359 72 $1,698
12 Lyons 1156 $921 184 $1,077
13 Lake Mills 1438 $701 916 $848
14 Bristol 1531 $855 239 $1,000
15 Delavan 1814 $635 1317 $736
16 Norway 2545 $1,210 399 $1,464
17 Delafield 2567 $2,025 247 $2,531
18 Fort Atkinson 3348 $690 1685 $821
19 Whitefish Bay 4438 $1,117 870 $1,385
20 Waukesha 16923 $958 11791 $1,207