
Ainsworth, WI Homeowners Insurance Wonderful Info

Wonderful information about Ainsworth, WI homeowners insurance to help you get the cheapest quotes and save

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Ainsworth, WI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Leopolis 2 bedroom 11 $206
2 Summit Lake 3 bedroom 57 $666
3 Crivitz 1 bedroom 80 $376
4 Townsend 2 bedroom 96 $747
5 Upham 4 bedroom 104 $1,127
6 Riverview 1 bedroom 116 $367
7 Sugar Camp 4 bedroom 133 $1,210
8 Little Rice 3 bedroom 149 $552
9 Ainsworth 3 bedroom 208 $682
10 Dunbar 3 bedroom 227 $632
11 Fence 2 bedroom 231 $306
12 Wescott 4 bedroom 246 $765
13 Hiles 3 bedroom 311 $1,035
14 Brazeau 2 bedroom 577 $646
15 St. Germain 2 bedroom 877 $540
16 Three Lakes 3 bedroom 1425 $787
17 Merrill 2 bedroom 1426 $376
18 Antigo 3 bedroom 1459 $438
19 Stephenson 3 bedroom 1957 $536
20 Forest County 2 bedroom 3002 $315

Ainsworth, WI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Tigerton 26 $337 51 $390
2 Neva 43 $439 45 $508
3 Norrie 63 $651 11 $753
4 Birnamwood 76 $375 38 $434
5 Red Springs 77 $425 41 $492
6 Armstrong Creek 80 $344 15 $398
7 Ainsworth 85 $380 57 $439
8 Fern 87 $527 17 $609
9 Stella 89 $715 24 $827
10 Rock Falls 94 $542 36 $627
11 Eagle River 99 $505 65 $584
12 Laona 109 $315 68 $364
13 Langlade 125 $534 23 $618
14 Hazelhurst 200 $712 146 $824
15 Lakewood 228 $640 183 $741
16 Elcho 240 $639 173 $740
17 Nokomis 313 $601 135 $696
18 Sugar Camp 354 $684 189 $792
19 Wescott 369 $651 192 $753
20 Langlade County 1782 $437 941 $506

Ainsworth, WI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Mole Lake 176 $300 55 $207
2 Birnamwood 253 $364 39 $273
3 Wittenberg 270 $404 43 $250
4 Tigerton 287 $264 38 $179
5 Breed 367 $516 10 $350
6 Woodboro 592 $667 11 $513
7 Goodman 611 $269 62 $215
8 Schofield 737 $434 153 $269
9 Pelican 1,520 $618 23 $376
10 Rothschild 1,811 $511 282 $306
11 Wescott 2,024 $625 20 $493
12 Kronenwetter 2,294 $531 169 $382
13 Florence County 3,880 $603 62 $379
14 Weston 4,174 $667 291 $520
15 Forest County 7,643 $474 217 $360
16 Langlade County 9,760 $469 672 $356
17 Wausau 11,787 $369 2,380 $250
18 Lincoln County 13,286 $618 763 $444
19 Oconto County 19,194 $587 409 $451
20 Oneida County 25,124 $633 861 $392

Ainsworth, WI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Enterprise 133 $792 16 $974
2 Armstrong Creek 136 $427 22 $508
3 Morris 150 $571 18 $690
4 Ackley 176 $546 22 $698
5 Post Lake 204 $803 20 $939
6 Ainsworth 218 $572 24 $720
7 Birnamwood 225 $403 152 $475
8 Red Springs 284 $585 81 $719
9 Crivitz 298 $536 173 $648
10 Eagle River 356 $558 399 $703
11 Cassian 385 $697 41 $850
12 Laona 399 $330 102 $412
13 Hazelhurst 514 $1,096 59 $1,326
14 Schofield 655 $473 448 $581
15 Stephenson 1393 $498 162 $592
16 Rhinelander 2026 $362 1490 $452
17 Shawano 2106 $370 1877 $466
18 Rib Mountain 2111 $585 349 $702
19 Merrill 2548 $367 1928 $444
20 Lincoln County 9770 $565 2984 $734