
Handy Sylvan, WI Homeowners Insurance Info

Critical information about Sylvan, WI homeowners insurance which will come handy in getting the cheapest quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Sylvan, WI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 French Creek 5 or more bedrooms 20 $1,845
2 Jefferson 4 bedroom 21 $900
3 Stark 1 bedroom 22 $393
4 North Lancaster 5 or more bedrooms 26 $1,397
5 Hokah 2 bedroom 46 $495
6 Henrietta 4 bedroom 51 $935
7 Glen Haven 4 bedroom 54 $495
8 Wilmington 4 bedroom 71 $935
9 Sylvan 2 bedroom 82 $453
10 Little Falls 4 bedroom 85 $990
11 Oakdale 2 bedroom 90 $438
12 Brownsville 3 bedroom 91 $585
13 Highland 2 bedroom 100 $563
14 Honey Creek 3 bedroom 114 $720
15 Sumpter 2 bedroom 153 $332
16 Medary 2 bedroom 165 $536
17 McGregor 2 bedroom 178 $323
18 La Valle 4 bedroom 201 $1,332
19 Fairfield 3 bedroom 220 $1,080
20 Shelby 4 bedroom 474 $962

Sylvan, WI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989
1 Houston County 10 $529 994 $622
2 Sumpter 10 $243 41 $286
3 Brigham 11 $1,158 61 $1,361
4 Crawford County 11 $442 929 $520
5 Allamakee County 11 $379 743 $446
6 Wingville 14 $788 17 $926
7 Tomah 14 $352 420 $414
8 West Salem 15 $513 236 $603
9 Prairie du Sac 16 $676 303 $794
10 Richland County 17 $346 780 $407
11 Iowa County 27 $554 1096 $651
12 Juneau County 37 $445 2102 $523
13 Onalaska 40 $591 1247 $695
14 La Crosse 40 $374 2312 $440
15 Platteville 41 $592 435 $696
16 Sauk County 47 $503 3395 $591
17 Monroe County 59 $551 2396 $648
18 Grant County 96 $461 1819 $542
19 La Crosse County 153 $603 5443 $709

Sylvan, WI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Chaseburg 77 $420 18 $323
2 Soldiers Grove 162 $414 40 $277
3 Blue River 172 $399 19 $303
4 Bloomington 311 $444 31 $346
5 Lone Rock 321 $304 20 $215
6 Bangor 468 $407 52 $317
7 Spring Green 533 $665 36 $532
8 Springville 567 $464 65 $352
9 Westby 646 $477 90 $286
10 Wisconsin Dells 863 $607 152 $406
11 Delton 897 $684 97 $437
12 French Island 1,481 $614 45 $417
13 Viroqua 1,577 $435 193 $278
14 Prairie du Chien 1,804 $433 350 $264
15 Reedsburg 2,492 $498 394 $323
16 Houston County 7,163 $725 428 $500
17 Iowa County 8,753 $711 439 $476
18 Juneau County 10,304 $426 562 $306
19 La Crosse 12,797 $542 4,022 $417
20 Sauk County 21,240 $606 1,909 $436

Sylvan, WI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Castle Rock 84 $453 31 $588
2 Eitzen 107 $368 13 $430
3 Patch Grove 110 $806 33 $1,023
4 Cazenovia 114 $401 36 $461
5 Wilmington 120 $786 47 $982
6 Readstown 122 $280 64 $333
7 Sylvan 135 $703 46 $906
8 Ridgeville 154 $797 20 $932
9 Cobb 154 $512 48 $665
10 Dresbach 166 $1,306 12 $1,514
11 Mount Ida 180 $719 32 $934
12 Sterling 184 $641 85 $820
13 Gays Mills 184 $314 39 $392
14 Bloomington 301 $333 65 $429
15 Barneveld 324 $611 98 $714
16 Elroy 336 $363 193 $428
17 Mendon 628 $327 200 $379
18 Mineral Point 754 $649 395 $804
19 Shelby 1858 $862 187 $1,068
20 La Crosse 10822 $503 10489 $623