
Excellent Bancroft, WI Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Bancroft, WI homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Bancroft, WI & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Vesper 4 bedroom 25 $600
2 Bancroft 1 bedroom 32 $341
3 Bear Bluff 3 bedroom 38 $367
4 Ogdensburg 2 bedroom 54 $341
5 Lynn 3 bedroom 96 $731
6 Fairbanks 3 bedroom 107 $601
7 Hortonville 4 bedroom 191 $922
8 Green Lake 4 bedroom 194 $880
9 Poy Sippi 3 bedroom 208 $438
10 Iola 3 bedroom 219 $632
11 Whiting 3 bedroom 351 $715
12 Princeton 2 bedroom 394 $508
13 Waupaca 1 bedroom 438 $341
14 Wisconsin Dells 3 bedroom 496 $825
15 Ellington 3 bedroom 588 $1,035
16 Clayton 3 bedroom 885 $742
17 Kronenwetter 3 bedroom 1293 $552
18 Waushara County 4 bedroom 1646 $825
19 Shawano County 3 bedroom 9454 $650
20 Portage County 3 bedroom 13356 $666

Bancroft, WI Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Bowler 21 $318 11 $401
2 Rosholt 22 $439 29 $554
3 Bancroft 38 $360 10 $454
4 Neshkoro 42 $352 19 $444
5 Sherry 43 $625 12 $789
6 Fort Winnebago 64 $594 15 $749
7 Shiocton 67 $422 34 $532
8 Nekoosa 80 $262 173 $331
9 Cleveland 85 $728 29 $919
10 Utica 113 $858 28 $1,083
11 Spencer 125 $493 83 $622
12 Hortonville 139 $689 42 $870
13 Preston 225 $416 25 $525
14 Wisconsin Dells 254 $717 113 $904
15 Ripon 267 $384 157 $485
16 Strongs Prairie 280 $535 45 $676
17 Dayton 325 $629 152 $794
18 Wisconsin Rapids 673 $391 1258 $494
19 Marquette County 1734 $650 298 $820
20 Portage County 4438 $457 1287 $577

Bancroft, WI home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Rosholt 172 $400 10 $260
2 Camp Douglas 196 $328 15 $213
3 Orange 229 $488 10 $390
4 Wittenberg 270 $413 43 $272
5 Tigerton 287 $313 38 $194
6 Eau Pleine 395 $895 28 $662
7 Redgranite 432 $302 66 $220
8 Aurora 434 $508 13 $381
9 Bevent 439 $593 11 $385
10 King 452 $444 14 $328
11 Marathon City 531 $468 27 $341
12 Whiting 556 $453 112 $271
13 Montello 594 $400 82 $308
14 Spencer 662 $360 10 $262
15 Wolf River 729 $795 21 $492
16 Kronenwetter 2,294 $565 169 $440
17 Plover 3,280 $645 292 $483
18 Greenville 3,457 $920 55 $653
19 Juneau County 10,304 $402 562 $297
20 Wausau 11,787 $416 2,380 $278

Bancroft, WI home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Hustler 62 $330 20 $382
2 Cutler 89 $549 29 $675
3 Rosholt 162 $440 37 $572
4 Bancroft 170 $394 47 $500
5 Tigerton 224 $321 99 $398
6 Vesper 229 $370 64 $455
7 Kingston 242 $700 45 $840
8 Pine Grove 274 $276 99 $358
9 Matteson 321 $501 66 $601
10 Seneca 368 $697 46 $829
11 Rudolph 377 $555 25 $704
12 Lewiston 470 $807 68 $1,024
13 Lanark 518 $661 88 $813
14 Brooklyn 674 $679 64 $862
15 Berlin 1536 $461 805 $530
16 Grand Rapids 2811 $506 175 $637
17 Plover 2920 $756 1859 $869
18 Greenville 3283 $732 370 $951
19 Green Lake County 6121 $526 1804 $678
20 Winnebago County 45509 $663 21723 $769