
Point Roberts, WA Homeowners Insurance Valuable Facts

These valuable facts will help you get the cheapest quote on your Point Roberts, WA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Point Roberts, WA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Maple Falls 3 bedroom 33 $540
2 Edison 3 bedroom 39 $880
3 Nooksack 2 bedroom 88 $495
4 Swinomish Reservation 4 bedroom 138 $1,012
5 Alderwood 1 bedroom 323 $422
6 La Conner 2 bedroom 332 $852
7 Bay View 2 bedroom 350 $660
8 Bow 4 bedroom 407 $1,375
9 Sudden Valley 4 bedroom 407 $937
10 Sedro-Woolley 4 bedroom 514 $780
11 Peaceful Valley 2 bedroom 522 $467
12 Lummi Reservation 2 bedroom 571 $390
13 Upper Samish River 3 bedroom 817 $742
14 Point Roberts 2 bedroom 970 $720
15 Lynden 4 bedroom 1097 $1,170
16 Sumas 3 bedroom 1273 $797
17 Anacortes 4 bedroom 1377 $1,260
18 San Juan Island 2 bedroom 2035 $1,012
19 Whidbey Island 4 bedroom 2635 $1,012
20 Bellingham 1 bedroom 6714 $455

Point Roberts, WA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Whidbey Island 23 $-1 37 $-2
2 La Conner 241 $994 122 $1,150
3 Point Roberts 243 $847 477 $980
4 Swinomish Reservation 280 $832 67 $963
5 Peaceful Valley 281 $387 123 $448
6 Friday Harbor 383 $1,136 78 $1,314
7 Bow 447 $1,218 157 $1,409
8 Lummi Reservation 537 $608 227 $703
9 Sumas 540 $701 275 $812
10 Alderwood 569 $684 265 $792
11 Lopez 741 $1,711 320 $1,980
12 Burlington 774 $554 418 $642
13 Birch Bay 1033 $572 236 $661
14 Orcas 1099 $1,733 225 $2,005
15 Sedro-Woolley 1283 $493 321 $571
16 San Juan Island 1543 $1,609 358 $1,861
17 Lynden 1974 $679 393 $785
18 Blaine 2081 $596 550 $690
19 Ferndale 2366 $989 709 $1,144
20 Bellingham 10087 $807 3342 $934

Point Roberts, WA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Everson 581 $693 57 $464
2 Friday Harbor 703 $866 198 $588
3 Alderwood 836 $946 381 $709
4 Lummi Island 853 $1,272 27 $839
5 La Conner 1,145 $1,041 85 $780
6 Swinomish Reservation 1,451 $841 12 $571
7 Lummi Reservation 1,465 $678 62 $447
8 Lopez 2,767 $1,638 20 $1,064
9 Burlington 3,145 $626 721 $438
10 Birch Bay 3,481 $553 298 $409
11 Orcas 3,737 $1,659 74 $1,094
12 Sedro-Woolley 3,777 $560 343 $436
13 Lynden 4,513 $996 591 $687
14 San Juan Island 4,625 $1,492 231 $1,178
15 Blaine 7,337 $886 412 $664
16 Anacortes 8,341 $856 614 $582
17 Ferndale 8,940 $777 466 $466
18 Whidbey Island 11,009 $597 1,222 $358
19 San Juan County 11,129 $1,681 325 $1,260
20 Bellingham 29,721 $729 10,542 $517

Point Roberts, WA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Edison 49 $998 16 $1,297
2 Kendall 69 $523 14 $622
3 Custer 191 $848 61 $975
4 Friday Harbor 501 $974 695 $1,217
5 Point Roberts 512 $836 153 $1,053
6 Peaceful Valley 815 $476 529 $575
7 La Conner 903 $839 468 $1,048
8 Lopez 1041 $1,280 343 $1,484
9 Lummi Reservation 1199 $493 438 $591
10 Bay View 1234 $882 213 $1,023
11 Bow 1995 $875 394 $1,093
12 San Juan Island 2721 $1,348 1281 $1,577
13 Birch Bay 2798 $576 720 $743
14 Sedro-Woolley 3314 $646 1821 $749
15 Lynden 4127 $740 1733 $865
16 Anacortes 6135 $1,248 2700 $1,622
17 Blaine 6488 $782 1713 $930
18 Ferndale 8381 $892 2632 $1,052
19 Whidbey Island 8384 $597 6141 $710
20 Bellingham 24557 $758 20888 $977