
White Salmon, WA Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about White Salmon, WA homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for White Salmon, WA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Biggs Junction 2 bedroom 10 $131
2 Lyle 1 bedroom 28 $271
3 Rufus 2 bedroom 29 $438
4 Grass Valley 3 bedroom 32 $438
5 Klickitat 3 bedroom 44 $303
6 White Swan 2 bedroom 49 $405
7 Yakama Nation Reservation 2 bedroom 71 $495
8 Bingen 1 bedroom 73 $371
9 Dee 4 bedroom 83 $900
10 Skamania 3 bedroom 107 $1,620
11 Amboy 2 bedroom 108 $656
12 Dallesport 3 bedroom 242 $568
13 Wasco 3 bedroom 262 $495
14 Yakima 2 bedroom 310 $585
15 Carson 3 bedroom 469 $506
16 Mount Hood Village 1 bedroom 494 $390
17 Underwood 2 bedroom 664 $471
18 White Salmon 2 bedroom 940 $562
19 Odell 3 bedroom 1055 $742
20 Hood River County 3 bedroom 4211 $880

White Salmon, WA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Bingen 12 $461 16 $538
2 Corbett 28 $1,021 395 $1,191
3 Dallesport 35 $628 135 $733
4 Skamania 37 $1,323 84 $1,542
5 Wasco 43 $398 86 $464
6 Carson 89 $579 288 $675
7 Parkdale 101 $875 97 $1,020
8 Lewisville 110 $1,181 227 $1,377
9 Hockinson 170 $1,185 432 $1,382
10 Klickitat 205 $412 266 $481
11 Odell 206 $685 394 $799
12 Big Bottom 254 $387 487 $451
13 Underwood 287 $538 593 $627
14 Dufur 324 $566 289 $660
15 White Salmon 534 $722 384 $841
16 Mount Hood 826 $854 1362 $995
17 Skamania County 899 $853 1343 $994
18 Hood River 1344 $1,066 529 $1,242
19 Hood River County 1738 $1,023 1133 $1,193
20 Camas 5383 $778 2166 $907

White Salmon, WA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Mosier 138 $158 15 $112
2 Government Camp 324 $946 96 $718
3 Dallesport 369 $675 11 $432
4 Cascade Locks 383 $413 17 $297
5 Stevenson 613 $880 34 $642
6 Chenoweth 787 $446 25 $316
7 Dufur 1,274 $608 11 $401
8 North Bonneville 1,567 $688 25 $543
9 Odell 1,627 $893 33 $714
10 Klickitat 1,646 $532 11 $399
11 Goldendale 2,490 $495 100 $381
12 Skamania County 4,141 $734 63 $499
13 Hood River 4,318 $901 535 $711
14 Troutdale 4,321 $714 723 $464
15 Washougal 4,385 $643 231 $514
16 Mount Hood 5,490 $915 108 $631
17 The Dalles 6,064 $515 626 $360
18 Hood River County 7,116 $943 585 $716
19 Battle Ground 16,843 $1,023 1,038 $787
20 Clark County 121,534 $827 16,945 $521

White Salmon, WA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Skamania 24 $1,575 23 $1,858
2 Grass Valley 45 $418 14 $509
3 Rufus 79 $459 29 $587
4 Wishram 93 $214 58 $246
5 Pine Hollow 156 $630 21 $730
6 Cascade Locks 278 $461 138 $585
7 Wasco 299 $387 153 $456
8 Parkdale 377 $762 115 $876
9 Lewisville 559 $1,231 69 $1,538
10 Fern Prairie 603 $762 55 $952
11 Yakima 786 $509 358 $590
12 Dufur 853 $644 362 $785
13 Corbett 1119 $918 352 $1,083
14 North Bonneville 1434 $803 320 $963
15 White Salmon 1891 $743 811 $891
16 Goldendale 1982 $495 1132 $574
17 Skamania County 3343 $865 1035 $994
18 Washougal 3602 $833 1540 $974
19 The Dalles 5403 $588 2833 $758
20 Battle Ground 15037 $936 3963 $1,113