
Methow Valley, WA Homeowners Insurance Excellent Metrics

Understanding these excellent metrics will take you a long way in getting the cheapest deal on your Methow Valley, WA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Methow Valley, WA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Mansfield 4 bedroom 13 $487
2 Stehekin 3 bedroom 18 $1,105
3 Loomis 2 bedroom 44 $495
4 Conconully 3 bedroom 49 $562
5 Pateros 4 bedroom 59 $543
6 Omak 2 bedroom 117 $175
7 Winthrop 3 bedroom 175 $810
8 Tonasket 4 bedroom 186 $935
9 Twisp 2 bedroom 254 $393
10 Colville Reservation 4 bedroom 324 $540
11 Bridgeport 4 bedroom 376 $607
12 Riverside 2 bedroom 484 $520
13 Entiat 3 bedroom 548 $697
14 Wakefield 3 bedroom 587 $637
15 Methow Valley 3 bedroom 1399 $990
16 Omak 3 bedroom 1450 $406
17 Chelan 3 bedroom 1576 $845
18 Leavenworth-Lake Wenatchee 2 bedroom 2303 $543
19 Douglas County 4 bedroom 2693 $770
20 Chelan County 4 bedroom 4905 $877

Methow Valley, WA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989
1 Tonasket 11 $314 193 $369
2 Leavenworth-Lake Wenatchee 15 $828 1369 $973
3 Bridgeport 16 $347 337 $408
4 Methow Valley 18 $706 860 $830
5 Douglas County 36 $548 2192 $644
6 Chelan County 44 $757 5574 $890
7 Okanogan County 56 $485 2788 $570

Methow Valley, WA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Mansfield 133 $248 11 $183
2 Brewster 477 $533 10 $319
3 Entiat 828 $492 53 $309
4 Wakefield 1,132 $594 49 $457
5 Tonasket 1,203 $383 114 $294
6 Okanogan 1,308 $450 74 $337
7 Manson 1,446 $790 63 $592
8 Colville Reservation 1,874 $307 38 $205
9 Bridgeport 1,919 $419 75 $289
10 Omak 2,192 $504 170 $357
11 Chelan 2,923 $1,281 301 $947
12 Methow Valley 3,201 $851 17 $629
13 Leavenworth-Lake Wenatchee 4,350 $969 391 $697
14 Douglas County 10,466 $663 533 $497
15 Okanogan County 16,158 $417 514 $266
16 Chelan County 24,656 $807 2,654 $613

Methow Valley, WA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Conconully 52 $450 28 $535
2 Mansfield 84 $275 60 $335
3 Malott 86 $45 77 $52
4 Winthrop 124 $840 73 $999
5 Pateros 127 $319 89 $408
6 Riverside 143 $316 89 $395
7 Twisp 303 $519 175 $612
8 Brewster 370 $455 224 $559
9 Entiat 608 $591 347 $709
10 Wakefield 784 $561 509 $690
11 Manson 834 $1,119 457 $1,387
12 Riverside 887 $445 217 $556
13 Okanogan 935 $465 704 $539
14 Tonasket 1013 $521 531 $635
15 Colville Reservation 1113 $369 801 $431
16 Bridgeport 1265 $352 907 $408
17 Omak 1727 $535 890 $652
18 Methow Valley 1733 $776 544 $946
19 Leavenworth-Lake Wenatchee 1958 $1,031 603 $1,268
20 Chelan County 17936 $625 9112 $768