
Orchards, WA Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Orchards, WA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Orchards, WA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Barlow 2 bedroom 30 $471
2 Johnson City 3 bedroom 129 $245
3 Banks 4 bedroom 199 $990
4 Skyline 4 bedroom 233 $1,215
5 Longview Heights 2 bedroom 252 $422
6 Dollars Corner 3 bedroom 256 $720
7 Metzger 2 bedroom 407 $765
8 Clatskanie 2 bedroom 549 $536
9 Hubbard 2 bedroom 607 $568
10 Hazel Dell 4 bedroom 1085 $675
11 King City 2 bedroom 1229 $568
12 Milwaukie 1 bedroom 1289 $453
13 Sandy 2 bedroom 1296 $543
14 Damascus 3 bedroom 1750 $1,105
15 Hood River 3 bedroom 2312 $1,040
16 Oregon City 2 bedroom 3126 $697
17 Aloha 2 bedroom 3207 $600
18 Orchards 4 bedroom 4004 $942
19 Kelso 2 bedroom 8976 $303
20 Washington County 3 bedroom 85223 $1,137

Orchards, WA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Government Camp 59 $794 64 $926
2 Venersborg 63 $737 233 $859
3 Hockinson 170 $1,119 432 $1,305
4 Meadow Glade 175 $1,031 172 $1,202
5 King City 207 $616 339 $718
6 Mount Hood Village 564 $659 700 $769
7 Mount Vista 968 $784 568 $914
8 Ridgefield 983 $723 294 $842
9 Salmon Creek 1025 $814 2018 $949
10 Hood River County 1738 $966 1133 $1,126
11 Tualatin 1857 $703 2630 $819
12 Woodburn 1971 $506 1987 $590
13 Five Corners 2283 $564 1381 $658
14 Aloha 3301 $752 5659 $876
15 Cowlitz County 5569 $411 8336 $480
16 Orchards 5744 $468 4597 $546
17 Battle Ground 5870 $635 3171 $740
18 Beaverton 6258 $946 8513 $1,103
19 Portland 11869 $971 8759 $1,133
20 Clark County 34348 $725 32163 $846

Orchards, WA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Cascade Locks 383 $509 17 $391
2 Longview Heights 1,178 $621 52 $459
3 King City 1,398 $619 275 $427
4 Kalama 2,044 $709 23 $496
5 Sylvan 2,178 $1,414 1,316 $876
6 Amity 2,546 $603 20 $416
7 Cedar Hills 2,886 $953 660 $609
8 Gladstone 3,308 $788 738 $504
9 Molalla 3,458 $688 284 $495
10 Happy Valley 4,350 $1,241 192 $992
11 Estacada 4,465 $759 157 $500
12 Silverton 4,613 $788 252 $520
13 Canby 4,656 $712 520 $484
14 Forest Grove 4,825 $732 1,180 $468
15 Salmon Creek 6,032 $668 626 $474
16 Tualatin 6,090 $777 2,877 $497
17 Hood River County 7,116 $943 585 $678
18 Lake Oswego 12,067 $1,275 2,691 $981
19 Tigard 13,703 $839 3,078 $662
20 Orchards 18,074 $478 2,593 $315

Orchards, WA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Skamania 24 $1,350 23 $1,647
2 Labish Village 57 $303 13 $357
3 Gaston 192 $471 92 $569
4 Gervais 540 $541 89 $643
5 Meadow Glade 677 $1,029 68 $1,296
6 Lafayette 802 $608 195 $705
7 Venersborg 1070 $815 56 $1,051
8 Slope 1546 $980 1411 $1,225
9 Rose Valley 1782 $692 211 $816
10 Fairview 1791 $560 1883 $649
11 Oak Hills 2368 $1,213 1909 $1,479
12 Washougal 3602 $666 1540 $805
13 Silverton 4046 $652 1595 $782
14 Forest Grove 4271 $595 3152 $696
15 Salmon Creek 5505 $925 2209 $1,174
16 McMinnville 7525 $740 4880 $925
17 Longview 8624 $494 6572 $573
18 Orchards 14964 $658 8340 $756
19 Clackamas County 100759 $1,127 44245 $1,341
20 Portland 133777 $951 114772 $1,169