
Bethel, VT Homeowners Insurance Spectacular Stats

Spectacularly in depth stats on Bethel, VT homeowners insurance that will help keep your rates low.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Bethel, VT & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Granville 4 bedroom 28 $967
2 Whiting 2 bedroom 45 $812
3 Braintree 4 bedroom 51 $967
4 Proctorsville 4 bedroom 56 $1,304
5 Wells River 3 bedroom 58 $715
6 Orford 4 bedroom 77 $1,320
7 Peacham 2 bedroom 121 $577
8 Graniteville 3 bedroom 141 $900
9 Bridport 2 bedroom 154 $563
10 Bethel 4 bedroom 160 $1,012
11 Lisbon 2 bedroom 257 $596
12 Sharon 3 bedroom 316 $990
13 Enfield 1 bedroom 340 $550
14 Weathersfield 2 bedroom 439 $893
15 Newport 1 bedroom 462 $385
16 Northfield 2 bedroom 573 $770
17 Sunapee 2 bedroom 594 $918
18 Canaan 3 bedroom 771 $666
19 Williston 4 bedroom 850 $2,025
20 Randolph 3 bedroom 868 $747

Bethel, VT Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Newport 11 $672 1188 $952
2 Benson 11 $705 183 $998
3 Essex Junction 14 $1,274 469 $1,804
4 Canaan 16 $684 373 $969
5 Addison County 18 $1,167 5099 $1,651
6 Sunapee 21 $1,704 546 $2,412
7 Hanover 22 $2,036 814 $2,882
8 Alexandria 23 $676 98 $957
9 Rutland County 29 $858 10808 $1,214
10 Sullivan County 38 $683 6572 $966
11 White River Junction 42 $739 334 $1,046
12 Hartford 42 $1,074 1086 $1,520
13 Waterbury 48 $1,316 684 $1,863
14 Essex 50 $905 663 $1,281
15 Middlesex 52 $1,166 162 $1,650
16 Windsor County 55 $791 9519 $1,120
17 Lebanon 65 $987 1682 $1,397
18 Chittenden County 120 $1,002 13375 $1,418
19 Washington County 127 $901 9589 $1,275
20 Grafton County 169 $890 12196 $1,260

Bethel, VT home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Wells River 98 $778 21 $505
2 Ascutney 142 $752 24 $496
3 Proctor 589 $659 15 $401
4 Berlin 713 $937 31 $693
5 West Rutland 745 $720 11 $511
6 Lyme 759 $2,111 13 $1,477
7 Westport 790 $809 16 $574
8 Wells 805 $814 25 $512
9 Londonderry 1,267 $1,316 79 $802
10 Chester 1,398 $869 72 $651
11 Woodstock 1,456 $1,947 40 $1,323
12 Hinesburg 1,522 $1,584 29 $1,219
13 Plymouth 1,606 $1,008 109 $675
14 Ludlow 1,662 $1,144 513 $697
15 Ticonderoga 2,330 $566 54 $362
16 Williston 2,992 $1,499 234 $1,139
17 Hartford 3,528 $1,279 440 $946
18 Sullivan County 15,708 $905 1,201 $705
19 Rutland County 22,433 $846 1,918 $592
20 Windsor County 23,818 $1,163 1,677 $837

Bethel, VT home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Proctorsville 157 $932 54 $1,155
2 Graniteville 205 $634 92 $741
3 St. George 231 $1,203 54 $1,563
4 Rupert 288 $1,192 45 $1,394
5 Pomfret 353 $1,786 59 $2,268
6 Leicester 361 $781 118 $968
7 Shrewsbury 385 $1,289 68 $1,546
8 Windsor 432 $1,981 48 $2,416
9 Danby 460 $1,024 112 $1,269
10 Duxbury 501 $1,054 92 $1,243
11 Cornish 552 $1,203 105 $1,563
12 Waitsfield 589 $1,678 201 $2,047
13 Middlesex 674 $1,172 37 $1,441
14 Bethel 786 $904 175 $1,093
15 Danville 806 $978 173 $1,173
16 Windsor 892 $657 556 $814
17 Grantham 1003 $1,714 116 $2,228
18 Woodstock 1053 $1,498 298 $1,782
19 Northfield 1326 $835 512 $1,077
20 Chittenden County 40899 $1,465 21368 $1,787