
Incredible Dendron, VA Homeowners Insurance Facts

Knowing these incredible facts can get you unheard of savings on your Dendron, VA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Dendron, VA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Stevensville 4 bedroom 113 $1,237
2 Dendron 2 bedroom 145 $573
3 Rushmere 2 bedroom 148 $900
4 Conway 3 bedroom 264 $811
5 Capron 4 bedroom 267 $1,215
6 Carsley 3 bedroom 462 $877
7 Bensley 1 bedroom 485 $450
8 Hardy 4 bedroom 490 $1,560
9 Acquinton 4 bedroom 521 $1,320
10 Ware 2 bedroom 686 $967
11 Stonehouse 4 bedroom 1408 $2,062
12 Jamestown 4 bedroom 1458 $2,520
13 Pine Top 3 bedroom 1836 $1,917
14 New Kent County 4 bedroom 1847 $2,025
15 Colonial Heights 3 bedroom 3424 $1,106
16 James City 2 bedroom 5879 $1,192
17 Suffolk 2 bedroom 6194 $812
18 Dale 3 bedroom 10936 $1,035
19 Chesterfield County 2 bedroom 18941 $942
20 Richmond 3 bedroom 29816 $975

Dendron, VA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Severn 14 $454 30 $579
2 Bensley 39 $778 596 $993
3 Holly Grove 43 $791 23 $1,010
4 Hunters Mill 46 $421 75 $538
5 Wiccacanee 57 $424 66 $541
6 Dendron 73 $660 15 $843
7 Reynoldson 75 $491 43 $627
8 Kirby 107 $411 109 $525
9 York 310 $1,104 156 $1,409
10 Bellwood 320 $705 428 $900
11 Colonial Heights 334 $773 1128 $987
12 Gates County 576 $792 421 $1,011
13 Greensville County 655 $533 502 $680
14 Middlesex County 945 $1,365 641 $1,742
15 Hertford County 959 $345 1156 $441
16 Isle of Wight County 3166 $1,094 1176 $1,396
17 Dale 4379 $966 886 $1,233
18 Varina 4809 $651 3342 $831
19 York County 5054 $1,524 1921 $1,946
20 Norfolk 7241 $1,121 19320 $1,431

Dendron, VA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Conway 326 $649 16 $473
2 Claremont 457 $840 29 $604
3 Winton 1,172 $452 16 $302
4 Murfreesboro 1,682 $422 44 $329
5 Emporia 1,998 $410 234 $282
6 West Point 2,089 $834 47 $592
7 Hardy 2,127 $868 77 $598
8 Greensville County 2,972 $463 101 $310
9 Manchester 3,316 $1,164 973 $779
10 Gloucester Point 3,447 $1,029 118 $720
11 Jamestown 3,657 $1,841 317 $1,325
12 Highland Springs 5,038 $888 350 $648
13 Henry 5,252 $1,305 17 $848
14 King William County 5,694 $1,157 47 $717
15 Powhatan 6,144 $2,002 687 $1,481
16 Gloucester County 13,409 $1,260 139 $869
17 James City 23,182 $1,716 2,435 $1,201
18 Matoaca 23,706 $1,360 1,718 $897
19 Suffolk 27,635 $1,344 1,850 $846
20 Newport News 47,066 $1,029 13,376 $771

Dendron, VA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Urbanna 188 $1,441 63 $1,700
2 Boykins 207 $702 64 $884
3 Dendron 332 $796 103 $939
4 Claremont 358 $888 166 $1,101
5 Deltaville 360 $2,154 127 $2,714
6 Surry 469 $1,090 113 $1,253
7 Haslett 568 $638 163 $791
8 Sturgeon 822 $554 249 $670
9 Kirby 1007 $435 286 $526
10 Westville 1070 $1,361 236 $1,619
11 West Point 1660 $918 593 $1,092
12 Carrsville 2115 $1,034 426 $1,282
13 Ware 2461 $1,017 461 $1,210
14 Rockwood 2997 $972 306 $1,117
15 Cold Harbor 4707 $1,543 619 $1,897
16 Southampton County 4770 $728 1762 $902
17 New Kent County 6019 $1,226 700 $1,569
18 Gloucester County 11639 $1,260 2235 $1,562
19 Bermuda 16254 $942 7743 $1,139
20 Richmond 36905 $1,091 46870 $1,374