
Fishersville, VA Homeowners Insurance Valuable Facts

These valuable facts will help you get the cheapest quote on your Fishersville, VA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Fishersville, VA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Middlebrook 4 bedroom 13 $1,125
2 Iron Gate 4 bedroom 17 $742
3 Mount Jackson 4 bedroom 83 $1,327
4 Lyndhurst 2 bedroom 138 $698
5 New Hope 3 bedroom 177 $1,260
6 Crimora 2 bedroom 194 $350
7 Blue Grass 3 bedroom 262 $900
8 Williamsville 3 bedroom 298 $1,050
9 Fork Union 2 bedroom 359 $742
10 Ruckersville 2 bedroom 433 $893
11 Linville 4 bedroom 439 $1,402
12 Lexington city 2 bedroom 502 $1,035
13 Clifton Forge 3 bedroom 586 $893
14 Fishersville 3 bedroom 1313 $1,304
15 Madison County 3 bedroom 3437 $1,540
16 Page County 2 bedroom 3530 $450
17 Waynesboro 3 bedroom 4144 $1,012
18 Greene County 3 bedroom 4221 $1,485
19 Staunton 3 bedroom 4764 $715
20 Rockingham County 2 bedroom 8276 $893

Fishersville, VA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Glasgow 12 $402 103 $462
2 Monterey 79 $768 35 $883
3 Lyndhurst 87 $832 68 $956
4 Jolivue 97 $672 168 $772
5 Sharon 109 $523 63 $601
6 Piney Mountain 147 $695 191 $799
7 Timberville 196 $807 77 $927
8 Fishersville 276 $1,176 195 $1,352
9 Locust Dale 308 $986 184 $1,134
10 Palmyra 337 $1,009 57 $1,159
11 Ruckersville 427 $1,033 12 $1,187
12 Hollymead 461 $1,877 72 $2,157
13 Linville 481 $841 261 $966
14 Beverley Manor 695 $634 411 $728
15 Riverheads 744 $1,054 327 $1,211
16 Pendleton County 988 $513 365 $590
17 Central 1011 $983 271 $1,130
18 Jack Jouett 1698 $1,848 330 $2,124
19 Amherst County 2091 $670 1223 $770
20 Rockingham County 5518 $847 2029 $973

Fishersville, VA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Dayton 515 $1,085 35 $737
2 Mount Jackson 546 $883 50 $600
3 Gordonsville 631 $1,100 66 $869
4 New Market 663 $1,050 56 $840
5 Wreck Island 803 $785 34 $557
6 Elkton 1,061 $930 42 $604
7 Rapidan 1,582 $1,150 17 $770
8 Kerrs Creek 2,130 $950 37 $589
9 Buena Vista 2,363 $569 219 $421
10 Fishersville 2,518 $1,098 64 $713
11 Buckingham County 4,858 $622 72 $385
12 Central 4,929 $1,376 147 $963
13 Plains 5,424 $839 68 $553
14 Madison County 5,533 $1,001 17 $670
15 Scottsville 5,930 $1,190 1,200 $952
16 Ashby 6,568 $848 140 $585
17 Staunton 8,319 $1,031 1,139 $773
18 Rockbridge County 9,056 $1,022 266 $633
19 Harrisonburg 9,487 $1,184 3,442 $876
20 Amherst County 11,080 $652 190 $436

Fishersville, VA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Wintergreen 49 $4,781 71 $5,880
2 University of Virginia 149 $1,379 1281 $1,765
3 Esmont 262 $869 31 $999
4 Ivy 268 $2,908 35 $3,431
5 Craigsville 315 $432 247 $514
6 Gordonsville 391 $1,063 369 $1,360
7 Pantops 456 $1,362 999 $1,648
8 Dooms 489 $1,005 75 $1,165
9 Lyndhurst 501 $990 21 $1,197
10 Weyers Cave 681 $884 93 $1,140
11 Timberville 726 $574 407 $723
12 Crimora 818 $455 145 $550
13 Verona 1215 $720 346 $892
14 Patrick Henry 1395 $1,025 295 $1,178
15 Luray 1468 $779 577 $1,004
16 Kerrs Creek 1502 $1,188 533 $1,544
17 Fishersville 2148 $1,268 534 $1,610
18 Harrisonburg 5587 $883 9747 $1,041
19 Staunton 6249 $997 4364 $1,206
20 Albemarle County 24648 $1,429 12901 $1,657