
Incredible Windsor Hills, VA Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Windsor Hills, VA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Windsor Hills, VA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Boones Mill 4 bedroom 10 $666
2 Elliston 1 bedroom 14 $293
3 Iron Gate 4 bedroom 17 $666
4 Low Moor 4 bedroom 29 $937
5 Henry Fork 4 bedroom 85 $843
6 Selma 3 bedroom 115 $337
7 Westlake Corner 2 bedroom 116 $1,787
8 Clifton Forge 4 bedroom 150 $861
9 Ferrum 3 bedroom 170 $877
10 Glasgow 3 bedroom 298 $646
11 Plum Creek 3 bedroom 307 $585
12 Cloverdale 3 bedroom 393 $1,650
13 Union Hall 4 bedroom 945 $1,100
14 Floyd County 4 bedroom 1000 $922
15 Giles County 4 bedroom 1230 $783
16 Valley 3 bedroom 1407 $1,147
17 Lakes 2 bedroom 1755 $783
18 Rocky Mount 3 bedroom 1758 $770
19 Windsor Hills 4 bedroom 2506 $1,402
20 Salem 3 bedroom 4039 $922

Windsor Hills, VA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Iron Gate 21 $285 18 $380
2 Low Moor 31 $612 11 $815
3 Belview 52 $727 15 $968
4 Falling Spring 81 $497 139 $662
5 Locust Grove 117 $577 88 $768
6 Fort Chiswell 252 $487 243 $649
7 Little River 274 $1,038 53 $1,383
8 Ingles 298 $704 226 $937
9 Peaks 397 $543 153 $723
10 Buchanan 421 $719 110 $957
11 Rocky Mount 431 $754 261 $1,004
12 Blackwater 626 $581 172 $774
13 Windsor Hills 651 $976 208 $1,300
14 North Shore 720 $1,722 25 $2,293
15 Union Hall 869 $810 49 $1,079
16 Pulaski County 1631 $561 1855 $747
17 Lakes 1730 $762 173 $1,014
18 Henry County 1806 $486 1484 $648
19 Botetourt County 2183 $838 445 $1,115
20 Christiansburg 2205 $812 302 $1,082

Windsor Hills, VA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Glenvar 206 $828 146 $505
2 Floyd 223 $645 42 $412
3 Stuart 487 $739 52 $458
4 Daleville 806 $1,616 81 $1,131
5 Clifton Forge 927 $459 71 $367
6 Natural Bridge 1,117 $622 40 $429
7 White Sulphur Springs 1,182 $437 42 $279
8 Little River 1,497 $931 25 $661
9 Clifton Forge 1,549 $540 258 $329
10 Massie 2,357 $824 254 $585
11 Ingles 2,536 $723 38 $571
12 Fincastle 2,728 $1,011 10 $738
13 Altavista 2,847 $795 31 $620
14 Pulaski 3,096 $408 378 $281
15 Ridgeway 3,185 $394 69 $287
16 Timberlake 3,864 $867 442 $580
17 Union Hall 3,886 $953 78 $752
18 Windsor Hills 6,364 $941 868 $592
19 Jefferson 8,455 $1,446 147 $1,026
20 Franklin County 21,427 $854 1,030 $563

Windsor Hills, VA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Lafayette 119 $431 93 $504
2 Max Meadows 161 $393 124 $499
3 Oak Level 276 $378 92 $453
4 Simmonsville 304 $916 36 $1,135
5 Craig Creek 578 $741 54 $941
6 Fairlawn 867 $671 301 $791
7 Locust Grove 896 $650 261 $754
8 Pearisburg 944 $691 327 $815
9 Peters Creek 1068 $642 287 $789
10 Mayo River 1231 $389 192 $462
11 Fort Chiswell 1446 $671 470 $838
12 Robinson 1924 $489 693 $562
13 Rocky Mount 2140 $719 1467 $934
14 Ingles 2156 $751 593 $961
15 Pulaski 2166 $456 1701 $547
16 Christiansburg 5396 $1,056 3471 $1,341
17 Alleghany County 5617 $529 1234 $629
18 Windsor Hills 5672 $1,331 1799 $1,597
19 Pittsylvania County 21011 $636 5238 $795
20 Bedford County 22899 $1,132 4118 $1,301