
Wonderful Milford, UT Homeowners Insurance Facts

These wonderful Milford, UT homeowners insurance facts will get you cheap quotes and save you a great deal of money

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Milford, UT & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Kingston 4 bedroom 27 $607
2 Joseph 2 bedroom 28 $467
3 Meadow 2 bedroom 31 $405
4 Junction 2 bedroom 47 $481
5 Kanosh 3 bedroom 66 $357
6 Marysvale 3 bedroom 82 $438
7 Minersville 4 bedroom 91 $607
8 Piute County 4 bedroom 131 $742
9 Paragonah 2 bedroom 140 $315
10 Milford 3 bedroom 213 $440
11 Minersville 2 bedroom 280 $271
12 Brian Head 1 bedroom 293 $1,485
13 Beaver 2 bedroom 377 $343
14 Fillmore 2 bedroom 506 $405
15 Enoch 4 bedroom 521 $990
16 Parowan 3 bedroom 770 $487
17 Monroe 3 bedroom 915 $487
18 Beaver County 3 bedroom 952 $450
19 Iron County 2 bedroom 4223 $520
20 Cedar City 3 bedroom 5967 $487

Milford, UT Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Monroe 15 $426 78 $576
2 Cedar City 106 $418 737 $564
3 Iron County 132 $397 848 $537

Milford, UT home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Brian Head 230 $2,700 810 $1,701
2 Beaver 1,399 $420 89 $306
3 Fillmore 1,798 $485 36 $291
4 Parowan 2,091 $628 828 $427
5 Beaver County 2,489 $466 89 $293
6 Cedar City 10,177 $564 1,174 $411
7 Iron County 12,579 $558 2,002 $345

Milford, UT home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Junction 46 $544 22 $685
2 Meadow 82 $485 20 $606
3 Joseph 110 $413 17 $532
4 Kanosh 124 $420 32 $516
5 Marysvale 180 $505 18 $631
6 Paragonah 237 $382 42 $439
7 Minersville 256 $352 37 $450
8 Milford 412 $375 161 $476
9 Piute County 469 $427 89 $491
10 Minersville 736 $402 198 $498
11 Beaver 856 $436 272 $523
12 Fillmore 1199 $499 301 $628
13 Parowan 1209 $593 257 $759
14 Enoch 1281 $571 222 $736
15 Monroe 1583 $426 252 $502
16 Beaver County 1592 $509 470 $610
17 Cedar City 8202 $527 5328 $637
18 Iron County 9692 $446 5805 $548