
Carbon County, UT Homeowners Insurance Handy Facts

These facts will really come in handy to negotiate and save big on your Carbon County, UT homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Carbon County, UT & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Clawson 2 bedroom 13 $371
2 Altamont 4 bedroom 20 $637
3 West Wood 3 bedroom 29 $468
4 Elmo 4 bedroom 37 $390
5 Carbonville 5 or more bedrooms 42 $720
6 Sunnyside 3 bedroom 64 $271
7 Fairview 5 or more bedrooms 104 $990
8 Castle Dale 4 bedroom 156 $675
9 Spring City 4 bedroom 173 $607
10 Carbon 2 bedroom 342 $271
11 Mount Pleasant 3 bedroom 389 $600
12 Huntington 3 bedroom 459 $405
13 Helper 3 bedroom 673 $390
14 Moroni 2 bedroom 1012 $405
15 Price 4 bedroom 1048 $581
16 Roosevelt 4 bedroom 1159 $562
17 Carbon County 4 bedroom 1589 $562
18 Emery County 3 bedroom 1868 $467
19 Duchesne County 2 bedroom 2129 $357
20 Mapleton 4 bedroom 3008 $742

Carbon County, UT Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Carbonville 33 $258 89 $316
2 Myton 44 $289 30 $353
3 Wellington 45 $343 82 $419
4 Ferron 56 $301 13 $367
5 Castle Dale 71 $359 47 $438
6 Fairview 72 $396 19 $483
7 Huntington 73 $255 59 $311
8 Mount Pleasant 103 $389 24 $475
9 Helper 141 $238 17 $290
10 Huntington 251 $292 161 $356
11 Emery County 319 $304 237 $372
12 Price 559 $380 465 $464
13 Duchesne 657 $407 315 $497
14 Carbon County 700 $333 502 $407
15 Moroni 995 $377 196 $460
16 Roosevelt 1170 $399 260 $487
17 Duchesne County 1859 $475 575 $580
18 Mapleton 4214 $560 528 $683

Carbon County, UT home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Elmo 66 $225 13 $164
2 Wellington 490 $346 62 $214
3 Mount Pleasant 1,011 $398 69 $270
4 Helper 1,785 $274 26 $169
5 Huntington 2,204 $348 13 $229
6 Emery County 3,235 $397 13 $265
7 Roosevelt 3,918 $546 43 $420
8 Price 4,455 $540 175 $432
9 Moroni 4,752 $385 93 $238
10 Duchesne County 6,539 $576 43 $449
11 Carbon County 7,156 $320 202 $214
12 Mapleton 10,478 $752 426 $601

Carbon County, UT home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Clawson 33 $322 17 $392
2 Altamont 88 $316 43 $395
3 Sunnyside 116 $172 48 $209
4 Myton 134 $375 106 $453
5 Cleveland 141 $361 28 $415
6 Spring City 271 $406 80 $483
7 Orangeville 319 $447 69 $581
8 Carbonville 363 $248 252 $302
9 Wellington 432 $415 227 $477
10 Fairview 497 $379 91 $473
11 Castle Dale 514 $345 120 $410
12 Mount Pleasant 729 $494 233 $577
13 Helper 968 $383 386 $440
14 Duchesne 1280 $377 409 $456
15 Emery County 2906 $337 745 $434
16 Roosevelt 3827 $635 1297 $774
17 Price 3911 $540 1767 $696
18 Duchesne County 5121 $576 1706 $731
19 Carbon County 5451 $394 2309 $504
20 Mapleton 9378 $597 2609 $764