
Tremonton, UT Homeowners Insurance Remarkable Stats

These remarkable stats about Tremonton, UT homeowners insurance, can save you a bundle on your insurance costs.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Tremonton, UT & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Cove 2 bedroom 20 $281
2 Snowville 3 bedroom 20 $426
3 Clifton 4 bedroom 26 $581
4 Portage 3 bedroom 58 $371
5 South Willard 4 bedroom 64 $975
6 Marriott-Slaterville 2 bedroom 78 $568
7 Mantua 3 bedroom 80 $810
8 Garland 4 bedroom 238 $675
9 Wolf Creek 4 bedroom 336 $1,925
10 Fruit Heights 4 bedroom 378 $1,072
11 Farr West 4 bedroom 391 $900
12 Perry 3 bedroom 477 $697
13 Pleasant View 4 bedroom 588 $1,575
14 West Haven 4 bedroom 766 $910
15 Smithfield 5 or more bedrooms 1199 $1,350
16 North Ogden 5 or more bedrooms 1349 $975
17 Kaysville 3 bedroom 1772 $697
18 Tremonton 4 bedroom 1808 $825
19 Box Elder County 3 bedroom 5252 $675
20 Cache County 2 bedroom 8712 $453

Tremonton, UT Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Clifton 11 $343 17 $457
2 Franklin 18 $315 13 $420
3 Sunset 25 $371 98 $494
4 Newton 28 $466 24 $620
5 Uintah 95 $737 25 $982
6 Richmond 159 $530 46 $706
7 Snowville 268 $426 30 $567
8 Wellsville 413 $622 29 $829
9 Riverdale 438 $434 115 $578
10 Preston 573 $450 229 $600
11 Weber 589 $774 25 $1,031
12 Franklin County 746 $442 324 $589
13 Nibley 790 $529 25 $704
14 Providence 893 $621 49 $827
15 West Point 1107 $679 14 $904
16 Tremonton 1409 $532 275 $708
17 Farmington 1916 $677 55 $902
18 Clearfield 2195 $473 301 $630
19 Cache County 8044 $447 1238 $596
20 Weber County 16187 $403 5245 $537

Tremonton, UT home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Bear River City 299 $423 12 $274
2 Wolf Creek 670 $1,223 421 $880
3 Malad City 1,502 $323 33 $216
4 Oneida County 1,677 $399 33 $295
5 Riverdale 2,041 $544 320 $331
6 Providence 2,101 $576 133 $345
7 North Logan 2,166 $779 307 $514
8 Washington Terrace 2,526 $340 407 $258
9 Preston 2,899 $466 29 $293
10 Morgan County 2,901 $932 19 $689
11 Ogden Valley 3,355 $885 421 $681
12 Franklin County 4,015 $554 29 $360
13 North Ogden 5,362 $643 27 $392
14 Tremonton 5,697 $441 30 $343
15 Clinton 5,743 $520 87 $353
16 Clearfield 6,056 $369 2,082 $258
17 Cache County 27,666 $495 2,268 $297
18 Davis 49,700 $571 4,920 $405
19 Weber County 65,706 $514 6,922 $323
20 Davis County 79,017 $768 7,093 $514

Tremonton, UT home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Clifton 69 $472 24 $561
2 Trenton 135 $544 29 $652
3 Mantua 221 $658 10 $769
4 Huntsville 234 $861 23 $1,102
5 Liberty 345 $1,019 51 $1,222
6 South Willard 417 $550 69 $698
7 River Heights 473 $575 103 $730
8 Garland 556 $357 193 $442
9 Dayton 678 $467 155 $560
10 Snowville 705 $555 52 $638
11 Fruit Heights 1356 $1,046 44 $1,338
12 Farr West 1738 $734 175 $873
13 North Logan 1817 $826 724 $1,065
14 Hooper 2145 $913 66 $1,141
15 Hyrum 2353 $534 352 $640
16 Tremonton 4909 $408 1333 $526
17 Clinton 5084 $557 846 $657
18 Box Elder County 12949 $555 3168 $666
19 Cache County 22603 $552 12631 $706
20 Davis 45724 $677 13592 $798