
Spectacular Onalaska, TX Homeowners Insurance Info

Save on your Onalaska, TX homeowners insurance by knowing this spectacular information that not a lot of people know

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Onalaska, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Bedias 4 bedroom 32 $1,402
2 Pleasant Hill 1 bedroom 44 $341
3 Porter Heights 4 bedroom 55 $1,781
4 Lovelady 4 bedroom 56 $1,485
5 Oak Ridge North 5 or more bedrooms 65 $3,000
6 Panorama Village 4 bedroom 116 $2,172
7 Big Thicket Lake Estates 3 bedroom 144 $556
8 Onalaska 1 bedroom 213 $587
9 Ratcliff 2 bedroom 264 $883
10 Trinity 4 bedroom 290 $1,755
11 Splendora 3 bedroom 387 $910
12 Rye 1 bedroom 423 $537
13 Tyler County 4 bedroom 1042 $1,527
14 Corrigan 3 bedroom 1049 $770
15 New Waverly 3 bedroom 1208 $1,068
16 Coldspring 3 bedroom 1765 $1,361
17 Huntsville 1 bedroom 2518 $647
18 Evergreen 3 bedroom 3065 $717
19 Trinity County 3 bedroom 3936 $1,001
20 Onalaska 3 bedroom 10344 $638

Onalaska, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Latexo 38 $425 22 $509
2 Colmesneil 49 $417 11 $500
3 Burke 101 $676 30 $810
4 Ivanhoe 115 $614 11 $736
5 Ratcliff 135 $675 172 $809
6 Lovelady 197 $562 126 $674
7 Porter Springs 276 $652 39 $782
8 Livingston 389 $858 129 $1,029
9 Diboll 401 $625 90 $749
10 Rye 450 $629 38 $754
11 Pollok 455 $816 175 $978
12 Woodville 663 $663 161 $795
13 Crockett 932 $749 299 $898
14 Trinity 979 $754 57 $904
15 Point Blank 979 $891 37 $1,068
16 Houston County 2227 $746 855 $895
17 Willis 3291 $1,040 115 $1,247
18 Huntsville 3653 $1,080 277 $1,295
19 Lufkin 3773 $686 1234 $823
20 Onalaska 4126 $577 455 $692

Onalaska, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Patton Village 275 $462 11 $369
2 Porter Heights 441 $819 29 $491
3 Shepherd 679 $530 29 $408
4 Shenandoah 748 $1,358 235 $1,045
5 Groveton 1,603 $909 17 $590
6 Trinity 1,938 $751 23 $518
7 Coldspring 2,268 $1,097 30 $844
8 Point Blank 2,408 $774 55 $503
9 Woodville 3,436 $775 167 $534
10 Crockett 3,891 $612 139 $397
11 Evergreen 4,622 $646 29 $406
12 Tyler County 8,013 $557 167 $373
13 San Jacinto County 9,298 $814 114 $610
14 Willis 9,850 $1,073 188 $740
15 Conroe 11,887 $1,283 4,882 $808
16 Onalaska 14,919 $654 240 $412
17 Polk County 16,300 $683 249 $450
18 Angelina County 24,195 $711 1,755 $426
19 Montgomery 83,382 $1,243 16,804 $857
20 Montgomery County 124,177 $1,198 18,181 $814

Onalaska, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Bedias 130 $574 22 $723
2 Kennard 141 $378 33 $461
3 Ivanhoe 336 $492 127 $610
4 Midway 437 $785 82 $949
5 Shepherd 485 $583 392 $687
6 Ratcliff 505 $589 100 $718
7 Shenandoah 523 $1,150 508 $1,357
8 Onalaska 539 $535 167 $690
9 Porter Springs 608 $675 76 $816
10 Zavalla 884 $544 236 $631
11 Chester 1002 $646 123 $807
12 Warren 1111 $651 166 $826
13 Corrigan 1136 $667 517 $780
14 Livingston 1288 $576 275 $691
15 Coldspring 1509 $1,051 256 $1,282
16 Point Blank 1871 $962 242 $1,125
17 Riverside 3867 $861 682 $1,024
18 Evergreen 4306 $708 1054 $870
19 Cleveland 6662 $823 2289 $1,004
20 Montgomery County 117703 $1,625 42487 $1,998