
Incredible Abernathy, TX Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Abernathy, TX homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Abernathy, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 New Home 2 bedroom 10 $665
2 Spade 2 bedroom 35 $668
3 Nazareth 3 bedroom 47 $911
4 Buffalo Springs 1 bedroom 50 $487
5 Lorenzo 4 bedroom 82 $990
6 Petersburg 4 bedroom 90 $1,086
7 Kress 2 bedroom 114 $468
8 Seth Ward 1 bedroom 123 $360
9 Abernathy 4 bedroom 136 $1,235
10 Wolfforth 2 bedroom 187 $1,347
11 Meadow 3 bedroom 219 $647
12 Slaton 4 bedroom 447 $1,170
13 Earth 3 bedroom 483 $911
14 Hart 3 bedroom 499 $978
15 Lockney 3 bedroom 654 $855
16 Castro County 2 bedroom 892 $831
17 Hockley County 4 bedroom 929 $1,856
18 Crosby County 2 bedroom 950 $500
19 Floyd County 2 bedroom 1012 $518
20 Levelland 2 bedroom 1821 $637

Abernathy, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Abernathy 30 $810 173 $971
2 Ralls 34 $420 97 $503
3 Lorenzo 48 $500 27 $600
4 Crosbyton 53 $446 109 $535
5 Meadow 57 $513 50 $615
6 Sudan 60 $389 87 $467
7 Ropesville 66 $664 47 $796
8 Seth Ward 77 $282 107 $338
9 Olton 90 $494 48 $592
10 Tahoka 124 $657 162 $788
11 Crosby County 135 $406 233 $486
12 Sundown 179 $699 49 $838
13 Wolfforth 195 $1,225 18 $1,468
14 Swisher County 218 $513 437 $615
15 Littlefield 257 $648 351 $777
16 Castro County 286 $668 492 $801
17 Lamb County 512 $609 699 $730
18 Levelland 664 $621 539 $744
19 Hockley County 971 $792 736 $950
20 Lubbock 17059 $1,053 4946 $1,262

Abernathy, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Sundown 420 $639 41 $402
2 Hart 768 $468 35 $365
3 Crosbyton 972 $535 18 $358
4 Idalou 1,372 $1,069 66 $748
5 Tahoka 1,467 $696 18 $438
6 Shallowater 1,610 $833 16 $616
7 Floydada 1,653 $566 23 $367
8 Tulia 1,859 $510 37 $372
9 Crosby County 2,537 $383 18 $275
10 Castro County 2,587 $549 95 $351
11 Littlefield 2,719 $472 56 $339
12 Swisher County 2,726 $585 45 $450
13 Floyd County 2,739 $570 23 $353
14 Slaton 3,529 $769 105 $507
15 Lamb County 5,233 $624 65 $492
16 Hockley County 7,201 $717 381 $530
17 Plainview 8,280 $606 484 $369
18 Hale County 10,875 $509 494 $371
19 Lubbock 73,697 $829 14,357 $630
20 Lubbock County 80,208 $826 14,544 $528

Abernathy, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 New Home 86 $765 30 $971
2 New Deal 191 $671 80 $798
3 Wilson 238 $519 58 $612
4 Sudan 294 $438 83 $512
5 Kress 330 $379 123 $443
6 Sundown 346 $689 162 $847
7 Seth Ward 363 $268 188 $329
8 Ransom Canyon 447 $2,242 18 $2,892
9 Ropesville 452 $816 93 $946
10 Earth 455 $534 120 $667
11 Crosbyton 552 $525 283 $661
12 Hale Center 676 $643 455 $758
13 Abernathy 733 $637 213 $808
14 Lockney 744 $472 269 $575
15 Wolfforth 993 $1,430 230 $1,658
16 Tulia 1362 $467 498 $537
17 Floyd County 1792 $435 806 $539
18 Swisher County 1952 $640 670 $787
19 Slaton 2998 $808 941 $1,018
20 Hale County 7495 $544 4214 $685