
Stratford, TX Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Stratford, TX homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Stratford, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Felt 4 bedroom 14 $911
2 Keyes 2 bedroom 42 $866
3 Hartley 4 bedroom 42 $1,762
4 Cactus 4 bedroom 78 $1,012
5 Stinnett 4 bedroom 92 $810
6 Sunray 4 bedroom 109 $1,332
7 Texhoma 2 bedroom 117 $531
8 Gruver 2 bedroom 136 $822
9 Lake Meredith Estates 2 bedroom 155 $761
10 Goodwell 3 bedroom 163 $1,485
11 Texas 2 bedroom 179 $673
12 Boise City 4 bedroom 185 $1,267
13 Sherman County 2 bedroom 293 $581
14 Hansford County 4 bedroom 349 $1,527
15 Stratford 3 bedroom 487 $1,333
16 Cimarron County 3 bedroom 782 $933
17 Texas County 4 bedroom 923 $1,593
18 Moore County 4 bedroom 967 $1,306
19 Dalhart 3 bedroom 1676 $1,333
20 Dumas 3 bedroom 3917 $1,168

Stratford, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Goodwell 11 $599 99 $731
2 Texline 16 $535 60 $654
3 Channing 19 $655 79 $800
4 Texas 22 $486 58 $594
5 Gruver 30 $704 136 $860
6 Stratford 33 $660 174 $806
7 Boise City 47 $399 95 $487
8 Cimarron County 50 $463 150 $565
9 Stinnett 52 $592 105 $723
10 Sherman County 53 $645 218 $787
11 Spearman 56 $441 442 $539
12 Lake Meredith Estates 57 $620 16 $758
13 Sunray 64 $674 104 $823
14 Hansford County 86 $676 578 $825
15 Cactus 124 $237 91 $289
16 Hartley County 176 $1,147 338 $1,401
17 Dalhart 211 $675 297 $824
18 Texas County 440 $570 1475 $696
19 Dumas 462 $706 1173 $863
20 Hutchinson County 557 $494 1495 $603

Stratford, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Channing 303 $846 26 $583
2 Stratford 726 $655 17 $432
3 Sherman County 1,001 $583 17 $466
4 Stinnett 1,103 $662 16 $509
5 Spearman 1,395 $446 22 $325
6 Hartley County 1,649 $1,392 50 $1,016
7 Hansford County 2,027 $627 28 $401
8 Dalhart 2,759 $737 84 $538
9 Guymon 3,840 $756 381 $597
10 Dumas 4,878 $876 119 $569
11 Texas County 5,644 $788 384 $480
12 Moore County 5,671 $614 120 $380
13 Hutchinson County 8,375 $648 189 $388

Stratford, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Sanford 59 $287 14 $358
2 Morse 61 $380 10 $490
3 Hartley 128 $821 71 $1,034
4 Keyes 166 $462 88 $535
5 Channing 171 $794 179 $944
6 Texhoma 245 $596 76 $727
7 Texas 388 $572 181 $674
8 Cactus 479 $229 306 $293
9 Gruver 515 $826 79 $1,007
10 Stratford 574 $692 186 $885
11 Boise City 595 $552 224 $656
12 Sunray 643 $760 177 $942
13 Stinnett 750 $591 195 $738
14 Sherman County 754 $592 242 $734
15 Cimarron County 761 $447 312 $545
16 Hansford County 1526 $613 392 $784
17 Dalhart 1893 $900 909 $1,152
18 Guymon 3077 $913 2053 $1,113
19 Dumas 4240 $868 1739 $1,006
20 Texas County 4521 $919 2617 $1,111