
Laureles, TX Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Laureles, TX homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Laureles, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Arroyo Gardens 4 bedroom 14 $1,673
2 Bluetown 2 bedroom 16 $822
3 Indian Lake 4 bedroom 17 $1,278
4 Faysville 2 bedroom 18 $726
5 La Tina Ranch 1 bedroom 45 $481
6 San Pedro 4 bedroom 56 $1,292
7 Villa Verde 2 bedroom 80 $735
8 Santa Maria 2 bedroom 92 $562
9 Olivarez 2 bedroom 196 $735
10 Primera 2 bedroom 264 $883
11 Port Mansfield 2 bedroom 266 $450
12 Lopezville 2 bedroom 279 $945
13 Raymondville 4 bedroom 495 $1,170
14 Laureles 3 bedroom 570 $1,113
15 Mila Doce 3 bedroom 605 $936
16 La Feria 1 bedroom 695 $637
17 Los Fresnos 3 bedroom 974 $933
18 South Padre Island 3 bedroom 2057 $2,447
19 Cameron 2 bedroom 6659 $956
20 Pharr 3 bedroom 41564 $843

Laureles, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Monte Alto 12 $375 64 $485
2 Murillo 17 $579 111 $749
3 San Benito 18 $447 1017 $577
4 Cameron 18 $778 689 $1,006
5 Elsa 22 $424 154 $548
6 Laureles 24 $666 339 $860
7 Mercedes 26 $408 848 $528
8 Lopezville 47 $573 43 $741
9 Harlingen 62 $490 2008 $634
10 Elsa 67 $469 654 $606
11 San Juan 70 $603 411 $780
12 San Benito 118 $608 4483 $786
13 Pharr 123 $604 1230 $781
14 Weslaco 148 $497 1286 $643
15 Brownsville 298 $656 5584 $848
16 McAllen 307 $765 3171 $988
17 Edinburg 351 $781 1843 $1,009
18 Cameron County 461 $641 11288 $828
19 Pharr 527 $764 5375 $987
20 Hidalgo County 1672 $525 13511 $679

Laureles, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Port Mansfield 376 $421 46 $269
2 Alamo 542 $388 40 $267
3 San Perlita 636 $438 46 $262
4 Palm Valley 741 $1,625 50 $1,218
5 Santa Rosa 763 $428 27 $325
6 Edcouch 864 $387 53 $259
7 Lopezville 890 $546 25 $338
8 Laguna Vista 1,200 $1,491 103 $909
9 Murillo 1,357 $707 129 $438
10 Hidalgo 2,424 $665 46 $458
11 Raymondville 3,196 $557 65 $378
12 Mercedes 3,454 $438 658 $350
13 Alamo 4,215 $494 193 $345
14 Willacy County 5,759 $394 111 $279
15 San Juan 8,168 $762 151 $525
16 Weslaco 8,182 $713 716 $427
17 Edinburg 32,035 $858 1,847 $686
18 McAllen 32,429 $1,154 6,124 $923
19 Pharr 60,075 $877 7,568 $657
20 Cameron County 95,358 $750 10,569 $577

Laureles, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Faysville 48 $867 64 $1,118
2 Bluetown 92 $427 10 $503
3 Villa Verde 134 $660 81 $838
4 Reid Hope King 174 $448 15 $515
5 Olmito 227 $416 42 $499
6 Indian Lake 244 $344 57 $395
7 Lasara 304 $324 28 $372
8 La Blanca 527 $546 104 $666
9 Palm Valley 578 $1,458 119 $1,807
10 Olivarez 583 $461 252 $580
11 Santa Rosa 624 $487 187 $633
12 Laureles 641 $503 151 $653
13 Primera 909 $834 244 $967
14 Alamo 4315 $584 1240 $683
15 Elsa 6051 $433 2018 $536
16 Weslaco 7104 $706 3820 $917
17 McAllen 25352 $960 16279 $1,152
18 San Benito 30085 $662 13618 $820
19 Pharr 50406 $621 27988 $776
20 Cameron County 79010 $651 37829 $807