
Remarkable Runnels County, TX Homeowners Insurance Metrics

These remarkable metrics about Runnels County, TX homeowners insurance will make you smarter about getting a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Runnels County, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Paint Rock 1 bedroom 47 $543
2 Miles 4 bedroom 50 $1,443
3 Carlsbad 2 bedroom 52 $708
4 Lawn 3 bedroom 146 $512
5 Tye 2 bedroom 184 $650
6 Rowena 3 bedroom 192 $673
7 Eden 3 bedroom 210 $945
8 Nolan 3 bedroom 244 $892
9 Tom Green 4 bedroom 248 $1,560
10 Grape Creek 2 bedroom 296 $892
11 Clyde 4 bedroom 379 $1,046
12 Coleman 1 bedroom 398 $575
13 Robert Lee 3 bedroom 511 $726
14 Cross Plains 3 bedroom 547 $1,215
15 Winters 2 bedroom 560 $735
16 Ballinger 2 bedroom 858 $543
17 Runnels County 2 bedroom 1753 $778
18 Tom Green 4 bedroom 1816 $2,385
19 Coleman County 2 bedroom 1837 $656
20 Tom Green County 2 bedroom 12569 $761

Runnels County, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Eden 10 $517 80 $655
2 Buffalo Gap 19 $406 59 $515
3 Rowena 23 $705 138 $894
4 Miles 35 $530 182 $671
5 Roscoe 43 $507 137 $642
6 Robert Lee 64 $437 91 $554
7 Bronte 78 $701 151 $889
8 Novice 87 $833 206 $1,056
9 Paint Rock 115 $489 154 $620
10 Cross Plains 121 $582 227 $738
11 Millersview 134 $641 172 $813
12 Ballinger 190 $636 425 $805
13 Tom Green 224 $893 91 $1,132
14 Merkel 261 $645 499 $817
15 Runnels County 366 $486 1291 $615
16 Coleman County 410 $573 1323 $726
17 Jim Ned 643 $1,342 404 $1,701
18 Callahan County 823 $742 795 $940
19 San Angelo 3950 $919 3349 $1,165
20 Abilene 4736 $916 4254 $1,161

Runnels County, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Grape Creek 757 $586 14 $451
2 Tom Green 1,573 $1,252 11 $976
3 Winters 1,729 $409 15 $294
4 Ballinger 1,997 $626 29 $444
5 Coleman 2,362 $538 85 $328
6 Jim Ned 2,590 $1,297 20 $998
7 Coleman County 4,319 $500 97 $390
8 Sweetwater 4,592 $418 327 $250
9 Runnels County 4,620 $503 44 $347
10 Nolan County 5,760 $552 327 $342
11 Tom Green 8,487 $1,298 906 $908
12 San Angelo 29,629 $766 5,163 $612
13 Tom Green County 34,861 $971 5,204 $757
14 Abilene 37,767 $931 4,622 $577
15 Taylor County 42,351 $1,020 4,642 $693

Runnels County, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Carlsbad 132 $404 24 $484
2 Lawn 150 $340 15 $425
3 Buffalo Gap 162 $466 23 $540
4 Nolan 213 $380 83 $452
5 Talpa 225 $726 71 $892
6 Melvin 233 $453 38 $588
7 Tye 279 $376 146 $485
8 Novice 297 $696 58 $904
9 Tuscola 336 $539 42 $700
10 Eden 356 $548 89 $630
11 Cross Plains 688 $570 153 $661
12 Potosi 1032 $1,575 107 $1,953
13 Winters 1053 $388 355 $473
14 Runnels County 2840 $601 1136 $745
15 Clyde 2906 $855 582 $1,060
16 Callahan County 4274 $687 908 $879
17 Tom Green 7954 $1,654 2201 $1,984
18 San Angelo 21718 $832 13937 $1,031
19 Tom Green County 27089 $740 14707 $865
20 Taylor County 30614 $877 18809 $1,069