
Incredible Littlefield, TX Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Littlefield, TX homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Littlefield, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Spade 3 bedroom 45 $691
2 Springlake 3 bedroom 49 $735
3 Buffalo Springs 3 bedroom 83 $1,181
4 New Deal 2 bedroom 94 $735
5 Amherst 2 bedroom 105 $518
6 Meadow 2 bedroom 132 $537
7 Wolfforth 4 bedroom 212 $2,145
8 Seth Ward 3 bedroom 213 $726
9 Littlefield 4 bedroom 300 $1,023
10 Bovina 4 bedroom 314 $1,332
11 Olton 2 bedroom 329 $625
12 Amherst 3 bedroom 462 $500
13 Lamb County 4 bedroom 536 $1,046
14 Abernathy 3 bedroom 549 $978
15 Swisher County 2 bedroom 779 $487
16 Hockley County 4 bedroom 929 $1,388
17 Idalou 3 bedroom 990 $1,251
18 Levelland 2 bedroom 1821 $662
19 Lubbock 2 bedroom 26521 $927
20 Lubbock County 2 bedroom 28585 $933

Littlefield, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Slaton 10 $684 470 $968
2 Lorenzo 12 $367 104 $520
3 Sundown 17 $589 17 $833
4 Hockley County 17 $743 406 $1,052
5 Lubbock 656 $755 3186 $1,069
6 Lubbock County 672 $962 3959 $1,362

Littlefield, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Sundown 420 $604 41 $428
2 Hart 768 $569 35 $358
3 Idalou 1,372 $904 66 $723
4 Shallowater 1,610 $689 16 $468
5 Bovina 1,728 $770 63 $485
6 Dimmitt 1,819 $682 60 $545
7 Bailey County 2,393 $480 13 $340
8 Castro County 2,587 $490 95 $338
9 Littlefield 2,719 $683 56 $437
10 Swisher County 2,726 $560 45 $347
11 Slaton 3,529 $652 105 $443
12 Lamb County 5,233 $612 65 $422
13 Levelland 5,706 $634 336 $488
14 Hockley County 7,201 $765 381 $474
15 Plainview 8,280 $670 484 $448
16 Hale County 10,875 $523 494 $366
17 Lubbock 73,697 $797 14,357 $589
18 Lubbock County 80,208 $858 14,544 $669

Littlefield, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Spade 18 $372 21 $468
2 Sand Hills 145 $1,107 30 $1,416
3 Buffalo Springs 173 $702 18 $807
4 Amherst 186 $303 37 $360
5 Sudan 294 $415 83 $527
6 Sundown 346 $661 162 $819
7 Petersburg 358 $408 155 $489
8 Lorenzo 370 $599 151 $748
9 Anton 377 $364 142 $455
10 Hart 418 $417 233 $542
11 Ropesville 452 $704 93 $872
12 Earth 455 $558 120 $725
13 Olton 730 $480 235 $556
14 Cochran County 853 $376 216 $451
15 Bailey County 1584 $526 773 $615
16 Shallowater 1639 $824 500 $1,071
17 Littlefield 1766 $492 810 $605
18 Plainview 5728 $570 3391 $684
19 Hockley County 5739 $701 2239 $834
20 Lubbock 56447 $851 40756 $1,021