
Homestead Meadows South, TX Homeowners Insurance Ultimate Facts

Ultimate facts to help you get the most savings on your Homestead Meadows South, TX homeowners insurance quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Homestead Meadows South, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Mesquite 1 bedroom 34 $468
2 Prado Verde 3 bedroom 44 $2,070
3 Fort Hancock 4 bedroom 105 $1,113
4 Vinton 4 bedroom 115 $1,058
5 Santa Teresa 4 bedroom 185 $2,667
6 Mesilla 4 bedroom 213 $2,860
7 Berino 3 bedroom 217 $450
8 La Union 3 bedroom 272 $1,738
9 El Paso Central 4 bedroom 295 $2,970
10 Dell City 3 bedroom 301 $813
11 Canutillo 2 bedroom 400 $637
12 Sparks 3 bedroom 407 $481
13 Fabens 2 bedroom 644 $656
14 Homestead Meadows North 3 bedroom 679 $883
15 Homestead Meadows South 3 bedroom 743 $945
16 Fort Bliss 3 bedroom 973 $1,722
17 Chaparral 2 bedroom 1609 $910
18 Sunland Park 3 bedroom 2034 $1,035
19 El Paso 2 bedroom 2509 $1,402
20 El Paso County 2 bedroom 53467 $918

Homestead Meadows South, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 La Mesa 23 $766 86 $971
2 Dell City 40 $454 19 $575
3 Chamberino 50 $805 75 $1,020
4 Berino 59 $185 23 $234
5 San Pablo 71 $1,286 19 $1,629
6 Fort Bliss 91 $1,405 166 $1,781
7 El Paso Central 113 $1,391 166 $1,762
8 San Miguel 115 $809 56 $1,026
9 Mesilla 126 $2,091 333 $2,649
10 Tornillo 132 $454 20 $575
11 Vado 188 $367 34 $465
12 Canutillo 379 $607 37 $769
13 Homestead Meadows South 627 $661 14 $838
14 San Elizario 1106 $463 91 $586
15 Chaparral 1664 $566 13 $717
16 Socorro 1740 $551 81 $698
17 El Paso 7784 $1,223 216 $1,550
18 El Paso 11656 $738 704 $935
19 El Paso 31090 $879 13338 $1,114
20 El Paso County 40409 $869 14336 $1,101

Homestead Meadows South, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 University Park 397 $-10 90 $-6
2 Sparks 505 $420 40 $327
3 Anthony 719 $1,047 63 $764
4 Westway 819 $407 15 $276
5 Homestead Meadows North 834 $543 31 $325
6 Canutillo 989 $636 68 $457
7 Santa Teresa 1,188 $1,521 199 $1,140
8 Fabens 1,382 $524 160 $398
9 San Elizario 2,314 $587 19 $363
10 Sunland Park 2,502 $872 135 $627
11 Horizon City 4,554 $1,123 12 $842
12 Socorro 6,728 $791 80 $609
13 El Paso 21,394 $1,139 570 $785
14 El Paso 34,375 $704 879 $520
15 El Paso 163,276 $967 30,608 $763
16 El Paso County 192,523 $965 31,186 $617

Homestead Meadows South, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Prado Verde 63 $1,648 32 $2,027
2 Mesquite 99 $733 59 $908
3 Dell City 212 $410 57 $487
4 La Mesa 216 $765 52 $994
5 San Pablo 232 $1,365 69 $1,651
6 Clint 240 $860 46 $1,083
7 Berino 319 $258 59 $312
8 La Union 358 $1,380 109 $1,752
9 San Miguel 405 $926 76 $1,129
10 Vinton 437 $576 93 $662
11 Anthony 516 $724 369 $941
12 Agua Dulce 556 $382 45 $462
13 Homestead Meadows North 1095 $685 246 $890
14 Canutillo 1294 $688 608 $853
15 Fabens 1455 $576 685 $748
16 Homestead Meadows South 1544 $793 203 $935
17 San Elizario 2485 $664 784 $856
18 Sunland Park 2587 $758 1372 $939
19 Horizon City 3927 $869 710 $1,112
20 El Paso County 158164 $921 94262 $1,105