
Uvalde County, TX Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Uvalde County, TX homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Uvalde County, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Spofford 3 bedroom 24 $568
2 Quemado 5 or more bedrooms 34 $1,443
3 Pearsall 2 bedroom 40 $500
4 Camp Wood 4 bedroom 78 $883
5 Knippa 2 bedroom 91 $512
6 D'Hanis 1 bedroom 112 $600
7 La Pryor 2 bedroom 136 $531
8 Uvalde Estates 1 bedroom 139 $506
9 Batesville 2 bedroom 148 $537
10 Brackettville 1 bedroom 193 $637
11 Fort Clark Springs 2 bedroom 233 $1,023
12 Sabinal 2 bedroom 639 $673
13 Kinney County 3 bedroom 900 $770
14 Crystal City 2 bedroom 930 $487
15 Real County 3 bedroom 991 $1,192
16 Uvalde 4 bedroom 1037 $1,650
17 Zavala County 2 bedroom 1214 $581
18 Hondo 2 bedroom 1311 $911
19 Uvalde County 3 bedroom 5037 $945
20 Bandera County 3 bedroom 5331 $1,100

Uvalde County, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Real County 11 $648 377 $917
2 Leakey 11 $513 377 $726
3 Leakey 11 $473 59 $670
4 Bandera County 26 $1,305 688 $1,847
5 Hondo 30 $976 437 $1,381
6 Fort Clark Springs 45 $789 132 $1,116
7 Kinney County 45 $574 460 $813
8 Brackettville 45 $634 460 $897
9 Uvalde County 50 $672 1079 $952
10 Uvalde 50 $617 921 $873
11 Medina County 136 $731 1406 $1,035

Uvalde County, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Fort Clark Springs 468 $974 23 $691
2 Sabinal 1,237 $649 15 $447
3 Kinney County 1,366 $665 37 $498
4 Brackettville 1,366 $630 37 $447
5 Crystal City 2,167 $445 35 $315
6 Zavala County 2,975 $364 35 $243
7 Hondo 3,175 $929 96 $566
8 Uvalde 6,814 $590 37 $365
9 Bandera County 7,726 $1,315 12 $973
10 Uvalde County 8,051 $720 52 $439
11 Medina County 11,444 $977 156 $742

Uvalde County, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Utopia 23 $669 13 $856
2 Leakey 121 $548 55 $679
3 Pearsall 149 $638 45 $778
4 Knippa 211 $614 19 $718
5 Batesville 257 $501 120 $636
6 Camp Wood 267 $375 70 $435
7 Fort Clark Springs 474 $861 14 $1,024
8 La Pryor 492 $313 93 $388
9 Uvalde Estates 506 $782 79 $938
10 D'Hanis 563 $893 88 $1,143
11 Real County 962 $867 256 $1,005
12 Leakey 962 $900 256 $1,071
13 Kinney County 967 $539 218 $695
14 Crystal City 1716 $347 879 $430
15 Zavala County 2465 $436 1092 $518
16 Hondo 3046 $801 1292 $1,001
17 Uvalde 5399 $621 2234 $770
18 Uvalde County 6218 $586 2442 $703
19 Bandera County 6657 $1,201 1838 $1,525
20 Medina County 11874 $1,119 3539 $1,309