
Paradise, TX Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Paradise, TX homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Paradise, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 DISH 4 bedroom 35 $3,960
2 Bellevue 3 bedroom 74 $1,046
3 Runaway Bay 4 bedroom 80 $1,762
4 Paradise 3 bedroom 163 $1,471
5 Perrin 2 bedroom 266 $531
6 Nocona 1 bedroom 293 $575
7 Boyd 3 bedroom 305 $1,058
8 Paloma Creek 4 bedroom 307 $1,575
9 Justin 3 bedroom 535 $1,673
10 Forestburg 3 bedroom 594 $1,127
11 Santo 2 bedroom 612 $1,068
12 Jacksboro 2 bedroom 741 $462
13 Watauga 4 bedroom 827 $2,006
14 Providence Village 3 bedroom 858 $1,443
15 Muenster 3 bedroom 1299 $1,196
16 Rhome 2 bedroom 1543 $900
17 Benbrook 2 bedroom 1743 $708
18 Corinth 4 bedroom 2576 $1,867
19 Forest Hill 3 bedroom 2677 $1,203
20 North Richland Hills 2 bedroom 5053 $1,035

Paradise, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Tioga 13 $601 37 $847
2 Bedford 15 $1,137 57 $1,602
3 Rhome 15 $987 288 $1,391
4 Decatur 19 $1,183 279 $1,667
5 Graford 20 $592 219 $835
6 Reno 24 $830 221 $1,170
7 Benbrook 33 $1,098 91 $1,548
8 Bowie 35 $683 154 $962
9 Bridgeport 41 $800 127 $1,127
10 Briar 63 $709 81 $1,000
11 Euless 70 $975 85 $1,374
12 Wise County 75 $788 774 $1,111
13 North Richland Hills 79 $923 197 $1,301
14 Flower Mound 80 $2,071 25 $2,919
15 Paloma Creek 120 $1,138 67 $1,605
16 Parker County 201 $1,125 1209 $1,585
17 Keller 237 $2,211 31 $3,117
18 Arlington 582 $1,047 1904 $1,476
19 Fort Worth 1401 $861 21870 $1,214
20 Denton County 2877 $1,479 2313 $2,084

Paradise, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Northlake 249 $2,685 490 $1,933
2 Bryson 541 $538 16 $322
3 Aubrey 907 $1,273 30 $942
4 Jacksboro 2,188 $845 48 $532
5 Richland Hills 2,775 $953 226 $628
6 River Oaks 2,814 $707 97 $431
7 Trophy Club 2,964 $2,884 20 $1,845
8 Forest Hill 3,594 $693 17 $422
9 Crowley 3,877 $1,156 74 $843
10 Decatur 4,283 $1,370 119 $1,096
11 Corinth 6,199 $1,825 702 $1,149
12 Benbrook 7,554 $1,044 1,460 $793
13 Farmers Branch 7,730 $1,290 2,591 $851
14 Southlake 8,056 $4,889 71 $3,813
15 Burleson 12,025 $1,178 463 $883
16 Keller 12,740 $2,533 764 $1,975
17 The Colony 22,299 $2,098 1,831 $1,447
18 Tarrant 152,678 $1,548 28,219 $975
19 Fort Worth 223,272 $1,019 48,179 $723
20 Tarrant County 501,177 $1,090 110,766 $752

Paradise, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Annetta 165 $2,055 20 $2,507
2 Paradise 198 $1,048 48 $1,215
3 Hebron 201 $2,127 94 $2,722
4 Western Lake 246 $599 68 $718
5 New Fairview 252 $605 61 $738
6 Chico 278 $860 169 $1,083
7 Newark 324 $810 55 $963
8 Bellevue-Joy 618 $663 120 $802
9 Paloma Creek 722 $1,216 205 $1,422
10 Dalworthington Gardens 725 $3,124 101 $4,061
11 Double Oak 789 $2,802 77 $3,390
12 Justin 893 $1,194 177 $1,408
13 Alvord 902 $1,262 286 $1,527
14 Pecan Acres 1161 $3,165 265 $3,766
15 Briar 1774 $1,022 352 $1,216
16 Lantana 2057 $2,428 210 $3,107
17 Jack County 2243 $672 767 $806
18 Forest Hill 2520 $693 819 $796
19 Bedford 11565 $1,392 9216 $1,795
20 Wise County 16271 $1,311 4081 $1,599