
Marvelous Odessa, TX Homeowners Insurance Facts

Marvelous facts to give you ideas to save on your Odessa, TX homeowners insurance quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Odessa, TX & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Goldsmith 3 bedroom 46 $848
2 Lenorah 4 bedroom 61 $2,205
3 Wickett 2 bedroom 74 $352
4 Stanton 4 bedroom 99 $1,141
5 Glasscock County 2 bedroom 101 $990
6 Garden City 3 bedroom 179 $1,443
7 Wink 3 bedroom 241 $848
8 Crane County 4 bedroom 271 $1,031
9 Gardendale 3 bedroom 292 $1,045
10 Crane 2 bedroom 299 $525
11 Martin County 2 bedroom 325 $612
12 Upton County 2 bedroom 396 $675
13 Crane 3 bedroom 590 $1,035
14 Midland 2 bedroom 1324 $911
15 Andrews 3 bedroom 2555 $1,035
16 Andrews County 3 bedroom 2940 $1,402
17 Odessa 3 bedroom 3630 $1,046
18 Odessa 1 bedroom 6589 $493
19 Ector County 1 bedroom 7082 $857
20 Midland County 4 bedroom 8863 $2,385

Odessa, TX Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Thorntonville 10 $471 18 $630
2 Lenorah 21 $773 42 $1,034
3 Rankin 25 $461 49 $617
4 Grandfalls 28 $276 10 $370
5 Crane 29 $312 55 $417
6 Wink 33 $323 39 $433
7 Garden City 36 $1,365 16 $1,825
8 McCamey 38 $378 68 $505
9 Glasscock County 54 $713 58 $953
10 Crane 56 $546 75 $730
11 Stanton 61 $565 96 $756
12 Upton County 63 $354 117 $474
13 Crane 72 $556 20 $744
14 Andrews 114 $857 23 $1,147
15 Monahans 208 $388 156 $519
16 Goldsmith 893 $513 190 $686
17 Midland 1288 $788 97 $1,053
18 Odessa 3367 $771 940 $1,030
19 Ector County 4260 $655 1130 $876
20 Midland 5849 $1,064 897 $1,422

Odessa, TX home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Crane 997 $615 28 $473
2 Crane 1,109 $682 28 $436
3 Crane County 1,349 $540 28 $351
4 Kermit 2,374 $433 16 $294
5 Winkler County 2,631 $322 16 $225
6 Monahans 3,051 $544 183 $391
7 Odessa 3,396 $540 102 $329
8 Andrews 3,575 $598 103 $400
9 Andrews 3,925 $932 122 $643
10 Goldsmith 3,937 $603 102 $385
11 Andrews County 4,493 $947 127 $587
12 Odessa 29,846 $965 6,079 $675
13 Midland 33,514 $1,569 5,743 $1,066
14 Ector County 33,783 $697 6,181 $473
15 Midland County 37,266 $1,015 5,743 $700

Odessa, TX home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Goldsmith 78 $551 17 $710
2 McKinney Acres 210 $516 25 $614
3 Lenorah 219 $753 157 $926
4 Rankin 286 $426 123 $519
5 Glasscock County 299 $842 132 $1,094
6 Gardendale 418 $790 62 $908
7 McCamey 617 $397 153 $464
8 Andrews 751 $720 65 $914
9 Stanton 890 $496 265 $605
10 Upton County 903 $462 276 $595
11 Crane 962 $546 263 $709
12 Crane County 1263 $540 288 $642
13 Winkler County 2180 $313 492 $359
14 Monahans 2622 $522 841 $657
15 Andrews 3099 $671 906 $791
16 Andrews 3430 $914 937 $1,151
17 Andrews County 4181 $739 1002 $931
18 Midland 4712 $970 935 $1,164
19 Odessa 26124 $730 14935 $949
20 Midland 29728 $1,176 14523 $1,352