
Greeneville, TN Homeowners Insurance Excellent Metrics

Understanding these excellent metrics will take you a long way in getting the cheapest deal on your Greeneville, TN homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Greeneville, TN & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Telford 5 or more bedrooms 45 $1,035
2 Frank 2 bedroom 47 $517
3 Hunter 4 bedroom 52 $877
4 Fall Branch 4 bedroom 75 $750
5 Bean Station 4 bedroom 145 $811
6 Blountville 4 bedroom 148 $796
7 Canton 2 bedroom 184 $450
8 Church Hill 4 bedroom 270 $715
9 Price Creek 2 bedroom 352 $825
10 Cawood 2 bedroom 360 $268
11 Weber City 3 bedroom 364 $783
12 Spurgeon 2 bedroom 508 $756
13 Ivy 3 bedroom 904 $728
14 Black Mountain 4 bedroom 926 $1,625
15 Jonesborough 2 bedroom 954 $618
16 Flat Creek 3 bedroom 1308 $577
17 Jefferson City 2 bedroom 1511 $483
18 Greeneville 3 bedroom 2978 $825
19 Upper Hominy 3 bedroom 3827 $893
20 Greene County 3 bedroom 16386 $910

Greeneville, TN Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Limestone 10 $898 965 $1,108
2 Reems Creek 17 $884 1008 $1,090
3 Bent Creek 18 $837 174 $1,033
4 Grainger County 20 $415 1702 $512
5 New Tazewell 21 $350 306 $432
6 Sevierville 25 $684 904 $845
7 Lee County 35 $313 2531 $387
8 Bristol 42 $360 1794 $445
9 Cocke County 44 $415 3071 $512
10 Carter County 46 $362 4103 $447
11 Jonesborough 48 $722 476 $891
12 Scott County 64 $324 2127 $400
13 Jefferson County 68 $571 3231 $704
14 Hamblen County 70 $494 5500 $609
15 Haywood County 92 $701 5647 $865
16 Sevier County 139 $639 7025 $789
17 Greene County 141 $465 4393 $574
18 Asheville 217 $952 4433 $1,175
19 Washington County 227 $510 9052 $629
20 Sullivan County 314 $544 12772 $672

Greeneville, TN home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Newland No. 2 304 $658 23 $486
2 Pittman Center 319 $1,011 28 $758
3 Jonesville 364 $391 19 $250
4 Surgoinsville 646 $529 24 $370
5 Bakersville 684 $501 28 $325
6 Pine Crest 802 $512 64 $317
7 Tazewell 818 $414 45 $318
8 Crabtree 1,141 $552 33 $386
9 Big Stone Gap 1,424 $545 40 $403
10 Church Hill 2,119 $618 149 $457
11 Avery Creek 2,691 $1,295 165 $932
12 Pigeon Forge 3,111 $872 1,000 $610
13 Gatlinburg 3,843 $984 1,596 $728
14 Reems Creek 4,267 $1,222 153 $916
15 Upper Hominy 4,769 $800 49 $480
16 Greeneville 5,294 $581 380 $406
17 Mitchell County 6,312 $459 144 $353
18 Morristown 8,275 $538 1,007 $381
19 Bristol 8,990 $584 1,009 $356
20 Asheville 25,441 $1,133 6,314 $838

Greeneville, TN home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Fairgarden 168 $588 28 $676
2 Pyatte 257 $729 33 $940
3 Elk Park 286 $663 131 $788
4 Gray 469 $713 75 $827
5 Bluff City 497 $454 233 $581
6 Cane River 554 $735 157 $904
7 Central 598 $600 267 $690
8 Walnut Hill 938 $523 173 $643
9 Bean Station 950 $527 264 $669
10 Canton 1330 $572 566 $703
11 Jonesborough 1438 $860 697 $1,014
12 Mount Carmel 1879 $629 306 $754
13 Church Hill 1883 $656 749 $839
14 Avery Creek 2514 $949 801 $1,167
15 Greeneville 3628 $474 2828 $573
16 Reems Creek 3642 $1,293 1450 $1,486
17 Grainger County 7367 $441 1632 $511
18 Kingsport 14535 $705 7502 $860
19 Hamblen County 17305 $627 6987 $727
20 Sevier County 24655 $939 12401 $1,126