
Incredible Gettysburg, SD Homeowners Insurance Facts

Knowing these incredible facts can get you unheard of savings on your Gettysburg, SD homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Gettysburg, SD & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Ontario 4 bedroom 11 $1,890
2 Saratoga 4 bedroom 16 $607
3 Hosmer 1 bedroom 22 $195
4 Central Potter 3 bedroom 29 $573
5 Blunt 3 bedroom 52 $420
6 Hoven 2 bedroom 52 $300
7 Cow Creek 2 bedroom 52 $318
8 Selby 4 bedroom 52 $358
9 Sully 3 bedroom 65 $420
10 Sully 3 bedroom 85 $563
11 Gettysburg 4 bedroom 119 $701
12 Walworth 2 bedroom 127 $393
13 Hughes 5 or more bedrooms 128 $1,875
14 Faulkton 3 bedroom 157 $350
15 Potter 2 bedroom 192 $300
16 Faulk County 2 bedroom 266 $368
17 Mobridge 3 bedroom 525 $450
18 Potter County 3 bedroom 552 $483
19 Walworth County 3 bedroom 961 $585
20 Hughes County 2 bedroom 1775 $797

Gettysburg, SD Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Fort Pierre 12 $451 236 $638
2 Pierre 91 $518 765 $734
3 Hughes County 91 $648 933 $917

Gettysburg, SD home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Onida 282 $444 13 $279
2 Faulkton 298 $334 17 $220
3 Gettysburg 507 $243 14 $187
4 Sully County 586 $312 13 $202
5 Fort Pierre 690 $591 46 $390
6 Faulk County 934 $312 17 $190
7 Potter County 1,044 $279 14 $167
8 Mobridge 1,311 $360 145 $234
9 Dewey County 1,475 $314 80 $213
10 Edmunds County 1,671 $402 11 $313
11 Walworth County 2,184 $320 147 $198
12 Pierre 3,881 $713 984 $427
13 Hughes County 4,912 $621 984 $409

Gettysburg, SD home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Whitehorse 12 $107 44 $129
2 Lafoon 27 $72 11 $86
3 La Plant 33 $78 18 $94
4 Harrold 67 $125 15 $147
5 Hughes 113 $439 14 $570
6 Roscoe 116 $232 40 $292
7 Blunt 119 $345 22 $400
8 Central Hyde 121 $319 37 $414
9 Walworth 145 $385 11 $477
10 Onida 223 $317 81 $393
11 Highmore 266 $346 76 $435
12 Faulkton 275 $256 125 $317
13 Gettysburg 409 $249 137 $306
14 Hyde County 448 $256 118 $314
15 Fort Pierre 739 $485 201 $596
16 Potter County 807 $347 184 $426
17 Mobridge 894 $300 519 $357
18 Walworth County 1628 $429 650 $519
19 Pierre 3847 $881 1981 $1,092
20 Hughes County 4945 $697 2103 $843