
McPherson County, SD Homeowners Insurance Valuable Facts

These valuable facts will help you get the cheapest quote on your McPherson County, SD homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for McPherson County, SD & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Sangamon 4 bedroom 10 $481
2 Lansing 1 bedroom 11 $1,012
3 Odessa 4 bedroom 12 $461
4 Janke 3 bedroom 14 $742
5 Saratoga 3 bedroom 17 $376
6 Willowbank 4 bedroom 17 $1,035
7 Ordway 2 bedroom 17 $550
8 Oneota 3 bedroom 18 $550
9 Cottonwood Lake 2 bedroom 19 $551
10 Shelby 3 bedroom 26 $420
11 Bath Corner 3 bedroom 41 $893
12 Campbell 5 or more bedrooms 46 $1,215
13 Ravinia 4 bedroom 59 $1,320
14 Edgeley 3 bedroom 67 $585
15 Bowdle 3 bedroom 89 $367
16 Cortlandt 4 bedroom 93 $1,495
17 Bath 3 bedroom 136 $797
18 Faulk County 4 bedroom 275 $618
19 McPherson County 2 bedroom 289 $402
20 Brown County 4 bedroom 3128 $1,068

McPherson County, SD Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Aberdeen 58 $591 1504 $799
2 Brown County 60 $611 1808 $825

McPherson County, SD home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Campbell 212 $446 11 $316
2 Wishek 440 $305 14 $210
3 Ashley 444 $194 26 $122
4 Eureka 555 $258 15 $198
5 Ellendale 594 $230 47 $163
6 Campbell County 760 $266 18 $170
7 Faulk County 934 $354 17 $226
8 Logan County 973 $258 21 $175
9 McPherson County 1,208 $326 15 $208
10 McIntosh County 1,647 $269 40 $174
11 Edmunds County 1,671 $494 11 $395
12 Dickey County 2,054 $345 161 $234
13 Walworth County 2,184 $393 147 $298
14 Aberdeen 7,721 $639 1,462 $428
15 Brown County 11,778 $689 1,484 $468

McPherson County, SD home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Java 46 $145 14 $187
2 Hosmer 78 $129 38 $167
3 Logan 97 $281 15 $331
4 Frederick 104 $313 39 $400
5 McPherson 105 $427 27 $508
6 Campbell 113 $437 17 $506
7 Roscoe 116 $182 40 $216
8 Bowdle 141 $232 58 $287
9 Hoven 144 $253 26 $323
10 Central McPherson 162 $446 80 $561
11 Edgeley 174 $269 85 $341
12 Herreid 174 $224 53 $273
13 Bath 232 $648 17 $764
14 Ipswich 283 $562 118 $691
15 Wishek 318 $245 97 $289
16 Faulk County 741 $312 200 $371
17 McPherson County 821 $221 238 $276
18 McIntosh County 1092 $311 198 $373
19 Dickey County 1607 $338 574 $402
20 Walworth County 1628 $291 650 $357