
Incredible Spearfish, SD Homeowners Insurance Facts

Knowing these incredible facts can get you unheard of savings on your Spearfish, SD homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Spearfish, SD & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Pine Haven 1 bedroom 20 $517
2 Keystone 3 bedroom 83 $756
3 Deadwood 1 bedroom 104 $507
4 Whitewood 3 bedroom 125 $812
5 Blucksberg Mountain 3 bedroom 130 $956
6 Ashland Heights 3 bedroom 133 $350
7 Blackhawk 4 bedroom 197 $1,215
8 Butte 4 bedroom 223 $1,265
9 Summerset 4 bedroom 253 $1,057
10 Sundance 2 bedroom 302 $517
11 Pennington 3 bedroom 421 $900
12 Mount Rushmore 2 bedroom 584 $1,125
13 Spearfish 1 bedroom 695 $646
14 Butte County 4 bedroom 713 $1,125
15 Rapid Valley 4 bedroom 892 $945
16 Box Elder 2 bedroom 960 $507
17 Sturgis 3 bedroom 976 $756
18 Belle Fourche 2 bedroom 996 $585
19 Crook County 3 bedroom 1941 $1,125
20 Rapid City 2 bedroom 9455 $646

Spearfish, SD Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Butte 13 $577 112 $817
2 Hulett 15 $720 78 $1,020
3 Colonial Pine Hills 20 $878 37 $1,242
4 Sturgis 23 $493 598 $698
5 Sundance 23 $669 190 $947
6 Mount Rushmore 26 $1,084 151 $1,534
7 Butte 27 $855 195 $1,210
8 Lawrence 37 $879 370 $1,245
9 Butte County 40 $565 1088 $799
10 Spearfish 44 $748 559 $1,058
11 Crook County 47 $550 348 $779
12 Meade 54 $718 257 $1,016
13 Blackhawk 54 $606 26 $857
14 Rapid City 72 $565 2404 $799
15 Lawrence County 103 $855 2821 $1,210
16 Box Elder 150 $495 130 $700

Spearfish, SD home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Newell 241 $315 53 $192
2 Whitewood 274 $488 13 $356
3 Hill City 312 $845 15 $608
4 Deadwood 628 $588 56 $458
5 Lead 1,269 $415 212 $302
6 Belle Fourche 1,878 $590 204 $424
7 Box Elder 1,954 $633 56 $392
8 Sturgis 2,146 $614 251 $466
9 Rapid Valley 2,434 $813 12 $617
10 Spearfish 2,449 $858 1,075 $617
11 Crook County 2,469 $951 13 $684
12 Butte County 3,299 $615 257 $479
13 Central Pennington 3,684 $803 12 $529
14 Lawrence County 8,378 $950 1,356 $579
15 Rapid City 19,043 $738 5,361 $501

Spearfish, SD home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Vale 79 $41 25 $51
2 Keystone 94 $552 77 $640
3 St. Onge 111 $325 36 $393
4 Pine Haven 164 $895 13 $1,127
5 Butte 234 $565 84 $700
6 Ashland Heights 284 $247 43 $298
7 Whitewood 306 $535 107 $647
8 Green Valley 373 $832 29 $1,015
9 Deadwood 412 $524 220 $623
10 Summerset 565 $835 145 $1,010
11 Butte 788 $875 121 $1,102
12 Sundance 859 $730 221 $905
13 Colonial Pine Hills 904 $1,178 18 $1,472
14 Blackhawk 1006 $651 85 $826
15 Belle Fourche 1506 $579 725 $665
16 Sturgis 1645 $491 1329 $628
17 Crook County 2289 $757 657 $885
18 Mount Rushmore 2402 $1,537 178 $1,813
19 Spearfish 2440 $959 2436 $1,169
20 Lawrence County 6988 $933 3755 $1,110