
Meade County, SD Homeowners Insurance Spectacular Stats

Spectacularly in depth stats on Meade County, SD homeowners insurance that will help keep your rates low.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Meade County, SD & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Piedmont 2 bedroom 12 $481
2 Wasta 3 bedroom 17 $268
3 Lakeside 3 bedroom 23 $461
4 Newell 4 bedroom 49 $577
5 Green Valley 4 bedroom 66 $967
6 Central Pennington 3 bedroom 131 $577
7 Whitewood 2 bedroom 145 $525
8 Wall 3 bedroom 146 $385
9 Butte 3 bedroom 147 $540
10 Summerset 3 bedroom 246 $1,068
11 Cheyenne Valleys 3 bedroom 360 $1,031
12 Rapid Valley 2 bedroom 521 $585
13 Box Elder 4 bedroom 709 $1,170
14 Sturgis 2 bedroom 1217 $660
15 Butte County 2 bedroom 1541 $507
16 Meade 3 bedroom 2096 $747
17 Meade County 4 bedroom 2265 $1,080
18 Central Pennington 3 bedroom 2489 $910
19 Rapid City 3 bedroom 9870 $780
20 Pennington County 2 bedroom 12975 $472

Meade County, SD Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Ashland Heights 11 $228 33 $303
2 Faith 22 $282 30 $375
3 Wall 32 $373 20 $497
4 Meade 32 $382 10 $509
5 Newell 38 $317 38 $422
6 Butte 45 $656 16 $873
7 Central Pennington 83 $812 14 $1,082
8 Cheyenne Valleys 172 $628 44 $836
9 Sturgis 222 $466 200 $620
10 Butte County 539 $461 489 $614
11 Rapid Valley 919 $545 59 $726
12 Meade 1083 $651 29 $867
13 Central Pennington 1285 $665 136 $885
14 Meade County 2379 $638 323 $850
15 Rapid City 4368 $737 1697 $982
16 Pennington County 7581 $847 2121 $1,127

Meade County, SD home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 New Underwood 165 $625 32 $375
2 Faith 177 $299 23 $227
3 Newell 241 $329 53 $259
4 Whitewood 274 $651 13 $429
5 Wall 290 $470 32 $371
6 Cheyenne Valleys 470 $678 77 $420
7 Box Elder 1,954 $768 56 $614
8 Sturgis 2,146 $675 251 $499
9 Rapid Valley 2,434 $659 12 $514
10 Butte County 3,299 $464 257 $348
11 Central Pennington 3,684 $612 12 $477
12 Meade County 8,342 $834 384 $625
13 Rapid City 19,043 $877 5,361 $534
14 Pennington County 29,760 $904 5,486 $714

Meade County, SD home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Piedmont 51 $364 10 $422
2 Nisland 62 $132 12 $171
3 Vale 79 $46 25 $55
4 Faith 121 $280 43 $324
5 Meade 162 $484 31 $585
6 Central Pennington 172 $767 22 $981
7 New Underwood 197 $625 37 $731
8 Butte 234 $492 84 $634
9 Newell 265 $387 55 $460
10 Ashland Heights 284 $252 43 $289
11 Whitewood 306 $512 107 $599
12 Green Valley 373 $660 29 $765
13 Cheyenne Valleys 480 $744 209 $952
14 Summerset 565 $1,072 145 $1,318
15 Blackhawk 1006 $839 85 $1,040
16 Box Elder 1241 $606 1430 $715
17 Sturgis 1645 $503 1329 $633
18 Butte County 2983 $534 1030 $694
19 Central Pennington 4560 $735 497 $896
20 Meade County 7121 $690 2902 $828