
Spectacular Pinopolis, SC Homeowners Insurance Info

Save on your Pinopolis, SC homeowners insurance by knowing this spectacular information that not a lot of people know

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Pinopolis, SC & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Williams 3 bedroom 27 $1,316
2 Wadmalaw Island 2 bedroom 193 $1,300
3 Pinopolis 3 bedroom 204 $2,002
4 Elloree 4 bedroom 320 $911
5 Smoaks 3 bedroom 444 $787
6 St. George 2 bedroom 563 $568
7 Greeleyville 3 bedroom 629 $753
8 Bonneau 4 bedroom 790 $1,650
9 Ladson 2 bedroom 838 $810
10 Johns Island 4 bedroom 924 $2,730
11 Sumter 3 bedroom 930 $560
12 Hanahan 4 bedroom 978 $2,090
13 Sumter 3 bedroom 1025 $720
14 Georgetown 2 bedroom 1053 $911
15 Hollywood 4 bedroom 1294 $1,925
16 Andrews 3 bedroom 1834 $990
17 West Ashley 4 bedroom 4704 $2,310
18 Orangeburg County 4 bedroom 5160 $962
19 Walterboro 3 bedroom 5706 $990
20 Hanahan 4 bedroom 7662 $1,980

Pinopolis, SC Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Indiantown 15 $381 20 $507
2 Cades 78 $486 73 $648
3 Bowman 99 $427 54 $568
4 Turbeville 161 $409 110 $544
5 Branchville 181 $461 121 $614
6 Hemingway 185 $470 126 $626
7 Lakewood 207 $1,004 70 $1,337
8 Summerton 319 $689 151 $918
9 Manning 356 $624 41 $831
10 Cottageville 404 $615 52 $819
11 Lake City 470 $622 253 $829
12 Georgetown 593 $707 432 $942
13 Cross 665 $615 54 $819
14 Manning 1327 $846 156 $1,126
15 Hanahan 1938 $1,375 112 $1,831
16 Wando 3970 $2,699 12 $3,594
17 James Island 4166 $2,116 1006 $2,818
18 Mount Pleasant 10387 $3,098 525 $4,125
19 North Charleston 11079 $1,132 2341 $1,507
20 Charleston 14607 $2,081 2641 $2,771

Pinopolis, SC home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Wilkinson Heights 988 $436 17 $327
2 St. George 1,332 $882 55 $538
3 Seabrook Island 1,528 $5,143 137 $3,240
4 Folly Beach 1,633 $5,556 515 $4,167
5 Green Pond 2,248 $1,970 126 $1,319
6 Privateer 2,580 $655 157 $425
7 Sangaree 2,939 $1,047 95 $732
8 Georgetown 3,137 $817 380 $604
9 Kingstree 3,559 $581 59 $360
10 Manning 4,456 $825 188 $569
11 Johns Island 4,636 $1,842 447 $1,105
12 Walterboro 5,807 $691 276 $449
13 Moncks Corner 6,153 $1,423 216 $996
14 Charleston Central 6,996 $3,175 3,150 $2,349
15 Colleton County 11,295 $733 436 $491
16 Orangeburg 11,817 $1,001 576 $700
17 West Ashley 21,422 $1,676 5,196 $1,223
18 Charleston 32,766 $2,223 10,974 $1,356
19 Dorchester County 38,588 $1,562 3,666 $1,062
20 Charleston County 108,997 $1,780 19,499 $1,281

Pinopolis, SC home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Rowesville 109 $595 38 $702
2 Pinewood 132 $616 62 $794
3 Stuckey 162 $465 20 $581
4 Pinopolis 242 $1,963 27 $2,257
5 Russellville 265 $996 15 $1,254
6 Indiantown 510 $353 138 $427
7 Smoaks 513 $745 152 $931
8 Alcolu 552 $545 176 $703
9 Wilkinson Heights 597 $624 372 $780
10 Seabrook Island 826 $6,634 61 $7,828
11 Hemingway 1381 $477 428 $572
12 Seabrook Island 1524 $7,690 83 $9,997
13 St. Stephen 1860 $840 764 $1,016
14 Manning 3644 $770 1767 $893
15 Wando 3658 $2,949 1142 $3,656
16 Hollywood 4221 $1,463 821 $1,858
17 Charleston Central 4935 $2,827 8788 $3,420
18 Walterboro 5892 $719 2305 $826
19 Orangeburg County 23625 $803 10965 $1,027
20 Charleston County 86515 $1,563 54417 $1,891