
Remarkable Knox, PA Homeowners Insurance Metrics

These remarkable metrics about Knox, PA homeowners insurance will make you smarter about getting a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Knox, PA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Volant 2 bedroom 11 $516
2 Timblin 4 bedroom 12 $573
3 Kerrtown 4 bedroom 13 $783
4 Jackson Center 4 bedroom 13 $796
5 Barkeyville 4 bedroom 23 $783
6 Glen Campbell 2 bedroom 31 $376
7 Bradys Bend 4 bedroom 88 $975
8 East Lackawannock 4 bedroom 88 $1,237
9 South Mahoning 4 bedroom 113 $1,035
10 Oil Creek 4 bedroom 114 $763
11 Ringgold 4 bedroom 123 $591
12 Sandy Creek 3 bedroom 142 $632
13 Grant 3 bedroom 164 $507
14 Oakland 2 bedroom 210 $673
15 Toby 3 bedroom 233 $715
16 Heath 2 bedroom 235 $455
17 Knox 3 bedroom 247 $577
18 Winfield 2 bedroom 346 $562
19 Bell 3 bedroom 488 $550
20 Meadville 3 bedroom 1981 $770

Knox, PA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989
1 Hermitage 10 $506 567 $594
2 Pine 11 $1,698 324 $1,996
3 Bakerstown 13 $1,393 267 $1,638
4 Forest County 13 $290 1085 $341
5 Sugarcreek 13 $342 162 $403
6 Jefferson County 14 $297 2109 $349
7 Buffalo 16 $524 137 $617
8 Fernway 16 $851 1105 $1,000
9 Franklin 17 $625 261 $734
10 Indiana 17 $426 406 $501
11 West Salem 18 $395 34 $464
12 Adams 26 $1,545 221 $1,817
13 Venango County 42 $409 2267 $481
14 Lawrence County 44 $479 2677 $563
15 Crawford County 47 $359 3907 $423
16 Armstrong County 51 $362 2761 $426
17 Elk County 53 $401 1898 $472
18 Fox 53 $470 256 $552
19 Indiana County 69 $365 4858 $430
20 Butler County 140 $656 9041 $771

Knox, PA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Manorville 169 $496 15 $386
2 Oklahoma 284 $656 12 $452
3 Wheatland 336 $219 37 $159
4 Stoneboro 387 $340 51 $234
5 Knox 392 $403 30 $241
6 Worth 442 $809 117 $493
7 Deer 611 $374 12 $261
8 Evans City 634 $811 70 $519
9 Wilmington 876 $691 20 $469
10 Johnsonburg 1,214 $254 18 $182
11 Ford City 1,255 $244 92 $153
12 Conneaut Lakeshore 2,169 $771 68 $562
13 Warren 3,148 $301 332 $195
14 Allegheny 3,350 $784 12 $588
15 Oil City 3,488 $228 320 $171
16 New Kensington 4,871 $471 621 $343
17 Hermitage 6,011 $516 855 $325
18 Hampton 6,619 $851 483 $604
19 Forest County 6,916 $388 78 $291
20 Indiana County 26,792 $481 2,540 $379

Knox, PA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Callensburg 37 $350 18 $455
2 Eau Claire 80 $351 66 $421
3 Plumville 88 $393 41 $483
4 Callery 120 $762 48 $982
5 Starbrick 217 $188 12 $219
6 Steuben 272 $351 48 $456
7 Knox 331 $393 170 $510
8 Unionville 402 $444 23 $555
9 North Mahoning 415 $649 76 $765
10 Pittsfield 455 $409 81 $503
11 Henderson 498 $471 47 $546
12 Evans City 563 $728 285 $924
13 Oil Creek 662 $352 159 $408
14 Punxsutawney 1452 $313 1121 $397
15 West Mead 1632 $568 594 $704
16 Shanor-Northvue 1688 $1,012 513 $1,295
17 New Sewickley 2561 $627 553 $796
18 Harrison 2937 $389 1359 $494
19 Pine 3214 $1,526 501 $1,846
20 Warren County 13524 $455 3929 $559