
Spectacular Dormont, PA Homeowners Insurance Info

Save on your Dormont, PA homeowners insurance by knowing this spectacular information that not a lot of people know

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Dormont, PA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Beech Bottom 4 bedroom 26 $811
2 Portersville 4 bedroom 27 $1,031
3 Liberty 2 bedroom 30 $797
4 Elizabeth 4 bedroom 32 $675
5 Ronco 3 bedroom 58 $356
6 Forward 4 bedroom 117 $861
7 Adena 2 bedroom 126 $250
8 Lisbon 1 bedroom 143 $331
9 Kiskiminetas 4 bedroom 215 $1,031
10 Houston 2 bedroom 217 $652
11 Bishop 4 bedroom 220 $1,237
12 Imperial 4 bedroom 271 $1,031
13 Fox Run 3 bedroom 477 $1,192
14 Wharton 2 bedroom 620 $393
15 Centerville borough 3 bedroom 684 $585
16 Ohioville 3 bedroom 870 $596
17 Chartiers 2 bedroom 1077 $756
18 Dormont 2 bedroom 1144 $562
19 Island Creek 2 bedroom 1302 $446
20 Butler County 4 bedroom 15879 $1,237

Dormont, PA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Turtle Creek 16 $239 323 $289
2 New Cumberland 24 $341 84 $413
3 Mars 24 $696 105 $841
4 Cassville 28 $593 41 $717
5 Sewickley Hills 32 $1,190 41 $1,440
6 Smithfield 47 $269 142 $325
7 Baden 64 $368 721 $445
8 Dormont 87 $588 417 $711
9 Curtisville 88 $374 39 $452
10 Carnegie 105 $430 596 $520
11 Orchard Hills 124 $423 220 $511
12 Smith 131 $510 176 $617
13 O'Hara 168 $853 812 $1,032
14 Pultney 193 $405 560 $490
15 Millvale 201 $379 167 $458
16 Salem 305 $502 367 $607
17 Jefferson Hills 505 $688 819 $832
18 North Huntingdon 1167 $599 2569 $725
19 Cranberry 3172 $1,146 513 $1,387
20 Washington County 8975 $645 13745 $780

Dormont, PA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Chicora 366 $615 23 $455
2 Worth 442 $954 117 $686
3 Fairchance 699 $481 33 $379
4 McDonald 734 $454 150 $345
5 Aspinwall 741 $931 138 $707
6 Lawson Heights 805 $759 17 $546
7 Blairsville 1,221 $485 124 $324
8 Kittanning 1,232 $362 330 $224
9 Redstone 2,193 $205 19 $159
10 Dormont 2,596 $518 327 $347
11 Kennedy 3,048 $696 193 $494
12 Brentwood 3,433 $510 509 $316
13 Unity 3,817 $610 61 $390
14 Adams 4,098 $1,681 267 $1,277
15 Jefferson Hills 4,120 $721 86 $562
16 Munhall 4,210 $411 686 $328
17 Moon 7,856 $858 1,659 $617
18 Bethel Park 11,232 $650 2,122 $461
19 Hancock County 11,531 $448 400 $309
20 Allegheny County 426,104 $673 72,494 $538

Dormont, PA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Karns City 49 $509 28 $605
2 New Alexandria 61 $275 24 $332
3 Dunlevy 119 $420 32 $491
4 Irondale 136 $278 24 $319
5 Rochester 172 $346 107 $422
6 Elizabeth 192 $320 93 $412
7 Vanport 259 $380 479 $478
8 Brookside 267 $371 78 $463
9 Lucerne Mines 329 $382 52 $469
10 Nicholson 503 $423 83 $520
11 Fisher 610 $710 73 $844
12 Lawson Heights 759 $802 269 $938
13 West Newton 826 $399 407 $490
14 Union 2068 $678 336 $881
15 Dormont 2250 $594 1835 $689
16 Carnot-Moon 2680 $822 2236 $1,027
17 New Kensington 3577 $454 2393 $540
18 Greensburg 3699 $669 3472 $782
19 Unity 7075 $789 1580 $1,002
20 McCandless 8999 $846 2325 $1,023