
Crafton, PA Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Crafton, PA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Crafton, PA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Fallston 4 bedroom 13 $975
2 Haysville 3 bedroom 22 $540
3 Creekside 1 bedroom 25 $337
4 Finleyville 2 bedroom 56 $495
5 Worthington 4 bedroom 61 $780
6 Wylandville 3 bedroom 102 $1,237
7 Jacksonville 3 bedroom 105 $472
8 Brady 2 bedroom 114 $490
9 Elizabeth 2 bedroom 126 $368
10 Irwin 3 bedroom 156 $618
11 Saltsburg 3 bedroom 187 $483
12 Short Creek 2 bedroom 191 $507
13 Marshall 2 bedroom 285 $1,080
14 Fairdale 2 bedroom 309 $350
15 Chartiers 4 bedroom 461 $843
16 Knox 2 bedroom 735 $350
17 Daugherty 3 bedroom 752 $698
18 Crafton 2 bedroom 1055 $525
19 North Strabane 4 bedroom 1324 $1,560
20 Union 3 bedroom 1388 $1,050

Crafton, PA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989
1 South Fayette 10 $922 962 $1,084
2 Ligonier 13 $613 331 $721
3 Bakerstown 13 $1,110 267 $1,305
4 St. Clair 13 $396 400 $466
5 Bethel Park 14 $661 1457 $777
6 Brighton 16 $638 256 $750
7 Forest Hills 17 $489 143 $574
8 Peters 17 $1,161 802 $1,365
9 Rostraver 21 $547 344 $643
10 Columbiana County 22 $349 3995 $411
11 Adams 26 $1,383 221 $1,626
12 Moon 34 $898 1152 $1,056
13 Economy 42 $706 250 $830
14 Hancock County 44 $398 893 $468
15 Collier 47 $707 350 $832
16 McCandless 48 $981 2016 $1,153
17 Greene County 77 $423 1870 $497
18 Fayette County 109 $320 5114 $376
19 Pittsburgh 113 $415 7074 $488
20 Butler County 140 $771 9041 $906

Crafton, PA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Arnold City 141 $346 18 $276
2 Houston 432 $638 85 $433
3 Tiltonsville 489 $419 46 $263
4 Bakerstown 659 $1,188 205 $784
5 Emsworth 737 $618 166 $475
6 Wilmington 876 $691 20 $456
7 East McKeesport 902 $280 48 $187
8 Homestead 1,172 $234 450 $145
9 Meridian 1,585 $742 25 $556
10 Crafton 1,709 $454 303 $335
11 Grove City 1,744 $524 229 $387
12 South Strabane 3,366 $703 874 $449
13 Adams 4,098 $1,554 267 $1,134
14 North Fayette 4,428 $611 631 $446
15 Greensburg 4,800 $645 1,413 $490
16 Hopewell 4,999 $538 200 $365
17 Wilkinsburg 5,027 $372 1,904 $275
18 Plum 9,597 $809 769 $639
19 McCandless 9,610 $1,088 1,940 $696
20 Greene County 12,075 $436 564 $296

Crafton, PA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Noblestown 120 $784 10 $940
2 Bethany 134 $500 62 $585
3 Alexander 198 $541 123 $681
4 New Wilmington 298 $908 279 $1,098
5 Yorkville 328 $322 187 $405
6 Benwood 352 $227 260 $283
7 Saline 380 $260 96 $325
8 Fairchance 573 $526 267 $673
9 Midland 609 $245 527 $284
10 Tarentum 999 $253 794 $318
11 Bellaire 1050 $234 813 $294
12 Springdale 1068 $452 457 $574
13 Avalon 1236 $383 1188 $490
14 Crafton 1490 $510 1266 $586
15 Shanor-Northvue 1688 $1,048 513 $1,320
16 Union 2068 $866 336 $1,125
17 Swissvale 2532 $429 2046 $501
18 Pleasant Hills 2729 $570 711 $706
19 Park Township 4255 $770 1110 $977
20 Ohio County 12826 $480 5682 $604