
Incredible Peters, PA Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Peters, PA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Peters, PA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Frankfort Springs 3 bedroom 14 $376
2 Youngstown 3 bedroom 42 $687
3 Alexander 4 bedroom 44 $993
4 Herminie 4 bedroom 56 $797
5 Cross Creek 4 bedroom 80 $1,125
6 Windsor Heights 3 bedroom 89 $376
7 Benwood 1 bedroom 105 $337
8 Whiteley 2 bedroom 109 $585
9 West Pittsburg 2 bedroom 136 $455
10 New Stanton 4 bedroom 214 $1,485
11 Fairchance 2 bedroom 325 $483
12 Southwest Greensburg 3 bedroom 375 $701
13 Henry Clay 2 bedroom 390 $481
14 Upper Tyrone 3 bedroom 427 $573
15 Clay 4 bedroom 528 $747
16 Bridgeville 1 bedroom 601 $428
17 Ambridge 3 bedroom 1176 $630
18 Ligonier 3 bedroom 1408 $877
19 Peters 3 bedroom 2258 $1,102
20 Robinson 3 bedroom 2264 $910

Peters, PA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Baldwin 11 $406 910 $502
2 Monaca 12 $400 380 $493
3 Aliquippa 12 $276 524 $340
4 Calcutta 13 $632 292 $780
5 Wilkinsburg 13 $306 886 $377
6 Brighton 16 $752 345 $928
7 Fernway 16 $885 976 $1,092
8 Peters 17 $1,409 1243 $1,739
9 Bethlehem 17 $557 165 $687
10 Rostraver 21 $671 487 $828
11 Irwin 27 $574 354 $708
12 Burrell 28 $580 345 $716
13 Hampton 32 $884 1425 $1,090
14 Union 33 $666 536 $821
15 Cheat Lake 38 $1,262 444 $1,558
16 Collier 47 $731 178 $903
17 Brookhaven 49 $530 461 $655
18 Greene County 77 $423 1954 $522
19 Eastern 223 $843 3193 $1,041
20 Allegheny County 763 $442 60890 $545

Peters, PA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Fredericktown 139 $404 32 $290
2 Export 435 $421 22 $290
3 Tiltonsville 489 $434 46 $338
4 East Pittsburgh 565 $239 120 $160
5 Braddock Hills 628 $479 284 $344
6 Fairdale 686 $591 72 $360
7 Braddock 958 $154 73 $118
8 Ingram 1,030 $439 175 $280
9 Harmar 1,327 $530 30 $318
10 Ohio 1,484 $1,290 316 $774
11 Scottdale 1,810 $402 127 $301
12 Green Tree 1,902 $747 113 $455
13 Stowe 2,592 $297 150 $187
14 Beaver Falls 2,752 $348 346 $208
15 Follansbee 3,266 $428 11 $338
16 Swissvale 3,315 $370 507 $225
17 North Strabane 5,425 $797 111 $526
18 Morgantown 5,830 $1,014 2,608 $669
19 Greene County 12,075 $384 564 $264
20 Butler County 59,862 $718 4,838 $488

Peters, PA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Dunlevy 119 $373 32 $466
2 Slickville 119 $413 91 $512
3 Rices Landing 166 $487 25 $603
4 Rosslyn Farms 172 $1,671 13 $1,988
5 Bulger 172 $520 58 $660
6 Long Branch 194 $612 21 $746
7 Stewart 232 $504 30 $614
8 Sewickley Heights 276 $4,400 14 $5,588
9 Salineville 337 $253 190 $321
10 North Charleroi 399 $254 185 $302
11 Upper Turkeyfoot 432 $458 36 $558
12 Uniontown 470 $557 62 $718
13 Bell Acres 504 $986 62 $1,193
14 Ford City 704 $358 652 $418
15 Centerville borough 1067 $622 188 $777
16 Carnegie 1996 $533 1833 $650
17 Kennedy 2807 $728 385 $924
18 Harrison 2937 $543 1359 $667
19 Weirton 6207 $424 2451 $500
20 Peters 6752 $1,706 452 $2,013