
Incredible Gaines, PA Homeowners Insurance Facts

Knowing these incredible facts can get you unheard of savings on your Gaines, PA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Gaines, PA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Roseville 3 bedroom 18 $605
2 Arnot 4 bedroom 19 $763
3 Oswayo 4 bedroom 28 $900
4 Driftwood 2 bedroom 30 $287
5 Rauchtown 4 bedroom 37 $881
6 Plunketts Creek 1 bedroom 51 $551
7 Gamble 4 bedroom 53 $922
8 Bradford 2 bedroom 124 $525
9 Belfast 1 bedroom 149 $331
10 Painted Post 1 bedroom 181 $437
11 Faxon 2 bedroom 185 $673
12 Mill Hall 2 bedroom 202 $367
13 Gaines 1 bedroom 212 $367
14 Charleston 2 bedroom 230 $528
15 Beech Creek 3 bedroom 259 $540
16 Otto 3 bedroom 269 $618
17 Hornellsville 2 bedroom 698 $402
18 Lock Haven 2 bedroom 854 $540
19 Williamsport 3 bedroom 5322 $618
20 Chemung County 2 bedroom 10634 $446

Gaines, PA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Williamsport 10 $404 1431 $546
2 Ridgebury 11 $461 44 $623
3 Wirt 11 $206 19 $278
4 Tioga County 26 $493 1065 $666
5 Campbell 27 $401 209 $542
6 Lycoming County 33 $463 6980 $626
7 Allegany County 35 $265 2237 $358
8 Lock Haven 49 $394 635 $532
9 Clinton County 70 $469 2208 $634
10 Steuben County 73 $371 4646 $501

Gaines, PA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Hammondsport 258 $731 29 $548
2 Belmont 349 $261 26 $195
3 Castanea 372 $415 17 $273
4 Eulalia 373 $939 11 $591
5 Renovo 496 $188 48 $124
6 Smethport 504 $314 26 $232
7 Blossburg 518 $484 37 $358
8 Avis 574 $516 24 $371
9 Belfast 600 $290 37 $208
10 Port Allegany 728 $430 38 $326
11 Coudersport 987 $475 56 $370
12 Elmira Heights 1,201 $356 244 $252
13 Cuba 1,409 $346 33 $217
14 Hornellsville 1,472 $479 26 $364
15 Lock Haven 1,529 $577 630 $403
16 South Williamsport 2,233 $709 206 $453
17 Big Flats 2,740 $654 64 $457
18 Bath 3,174 $443 433 $318
19 Corning 3,285 $449 592 $345
20 Steuben County 33,337 $340 1,943 $251

Gaines, PA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Gaines 214 $471 78 $565
2 Leroy 220 $486 71 $622
3 Watson 221 $727 19 $930
4 McElhattan 237 $342 49 $444
5 Rauchtown 298 $658 35 $796
6 Ceres 328 $319 65 $408
7 Dunnstable 345 $853 53 $1,032
8 Clarksville 383 $283 71 $331
9 Wirt 438 $236 74 $271
10 Castanea 441 $519 84 $659
11 Tuscarora 482 $469 98 $605
12 Belfast 484 $376 187 $432
13 Almond 580 $470 89 $559
14 Faxon 592 $811 148 $948
15 Jersey Shore 746 $409 727 $498
16 Lamar 821 $483 163 $627
17 Gang Mills 928 $952 795 $1,228
18 Delmar 1037 $762 192 $914
19 Pine Creek 1129 $637 236 $751
20 Hornellsville 1443 $463 355 $569