
Marvelous Triangle Lake, OR Homeowners Insurance Facts

Marvelous facts to give you ideas to save on your Triangle Lake, OR homeowners insurance quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Triangle Lake, OR & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Alpine 2 bedroom 27 $360
2 Peoria 3 bedroom 40 $1,304
3 Holley 2 bedroom 75 $697
4 Upper Siuslaw River 4 bedroom 94 $975
5 Coburg 2 bedroom 133 $487
6 Yoncalla 4 bedroom 167 $742
7 Yachats 3 bedroom 256 $937
8 Siletz 2 bedroom 270 $453
9 Benton 4 bedroom 286 $1,125
10 Toledo 4 bedroom 355 $935
11 Triangle Lake 2 bedroom 518 $471
12 Brownsville 3 bedroom 935 $675
13 Reedsport 3 bedroom 1125 $742
14 Lebanon 4 bedroom 1218 $880
15 Harrisburg 3 bedroom 1628 $697
16 Waldport 2 bedroom 2661 $562
17 Badger Mountain 3 bedroom 2931 $935
18 Lincoln County 1 bedroom 3807 $330
19 Corvallis 3 bedroom 9733 $675
20 Benton County 2 bedroom 10085 $652

Triangle Lake, OR Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Crawfordsville 11 $857 40 $1,141
2 Halsey 36 $368 30 $490
3 Lebanon 44 $446 99 $594
4 Yoncalla 61 $292 40 $389
5 Benton 84 $742 148 $988
6 Triangle Lake 91 $601 227 $801
7 Siletz 153 $554 32 $738
8 Benton 185 $703 77 $936
9 Brownsville 264 $577 33 $768
10 Millersburg 306 $697 12 $929
11 Marcola 318 $923 177 $1,229
12 Yoncalla 328 $613 136 $816
13 Benton 341 $888 70 $1,183
14 Veneta 591 $493 51 $656
15 Newport 723 $791 425 $1,054
16 Waldport 737 $728 491 $970
17 Albany 769 $886 117 $1,180
18 Creswell 1022 $501 208 $667
19 Corvallis 3856 $666 1399 $886
20 Springfield 12338 $685 8056 $913

Triangle Lake, OR home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Monroe 189 $490 14 $328
2 Drain 359 $479 11 $364
3 Yachats 701 $869 26 $669
4 Drain 908 $568 11 $363
5 Benton 1,223 $847 14 $669
6 Pleasant Hill 1,766 $1,058 29 $835
7 Harrisburg 2,140 $508 17 $381
8 Reedsport 2,150 $436 120 $344
9 Creswell 2,776 $554 112 $437
10 Junction City 3,399 $689 220 $420
11 Waldport 4,610 $629 152 $496
12 Newport 4,658 $822 608 $649
13 Lebanon 7,536 $451 473 $275
14 Albany 14,239 $414 1,610 $318
15 Springfield 15,553 $583 3,023 $355
16 Corvallis 15,666 $947 5,581 $634
17 Lincoln County 20,998 $582 1,809 $349
18 Benton County 22,684 $952 5,595 $666
19 Eugene 42,799 $782 12,208 $477
20 Lane County 105,847 $723 16,648 $513

Triangle Lake, OR home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Elkton 72 $465 11 $539
2 Adair Village 197 $708 100 $828
3 Yachats 237 $936 134 $1,113
4 Eddyville 267 $545 117 $708
5 Lebanon 362 $640 110 $736
6 Upper Siuslaw River 507 $1,022 179 $1,287
7 Triangle Lake 638 $551 226 $677
8 Coburg 704 $702 151 $891
9 Siletz 1000 $674 216 $869
10 Brownsville 1303 $732 233 $893
11 Toledo 1355 $538 742 $629
12 Pleasant Hill 1886 $1,058 405 $1,322
13 Waldport 2564 $880 1073 $1,073
14 Creswell 2649 $598 842 $717
15 Junction City 3024 $570 1607 $695
16 Badger Mountain 3704 $740 1044 $947
17 Florence 4169 $619 2142 $761
18 Springfield 12513 $515 11459 $597
19 Eugene 32908 $684 32999 $813
20 Springfield 57184 $803 47842 $971