
Excellent Gladstone, OR Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Gladstone, OR homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Gladstone, OR & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Prescott 3 bedroom 16 $471
2 Yamhill 2 bedroom 26 $371
3 Brooks 2 bedroom 66 $253
4 Scotts Mills 3 bedroom 71 $607
5 Dee 2 bedroom 81 $675
6 Carson 1 bedroom 134 $405
7 Dayton 2 bedroom 150 $440
8 Gaston 3 bedroom 152 $520
9 North Bonneville 2 bedroom 486 $675
10 Hayesville 1 bedroom 642 $348
11 Independence 2 bedroom 797 $422
12 Aumsville 3 bedroom 936 $525
13 Woodburn 4 bedroom 1355 $630
14 Canby 2 bedroom 1514 $585
15 Gladstone 2 bedroom 1662 $656
16 Amity 3 bedroom 1700 $585
17 Sheridan 3 bedroom 1757 $390
18 Battle Ground 4 bedroom 5021 $975
19 Tigard 2 bedroom 6171 $742
20 Portland 3 bedroom 68982 $765

Gladstone, OR Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Maywood Park 11 $840 218 $1,060
2 Mehama 16 $377 37 $475
3 St. Paul 62 $1,181 35 $1,490
4 Amity 78 $544 58 $686
5 Turner 111 $508 35 $641
6 Brush Prairie 157 $826 106 $1,042
7 Durham 216 $936 12 $1,182
8 Corbett 220 $1,146 55 $1,446
9 Goble 223 $553 57 $698
10 Slope 300 $975 370 $1,230
11 Aumsville 420 $377 32 $475
12 Oak Grove 461 $726 537 $917
13 Four Corners 493 $426 128 $538
14 Amity 641 $791 158 $998
15 Gladstone 655 $705 191 $890
16 Cornelius 3172 $724 654 $914
17 Newberg 3217 $611 619 $771
18 Columbia County 3799 $589 930 $743
19 Bethany 4464 $1,042 36 $1,315
20 Gresham 11591 $786 1257 $992

Gladstone, OR home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Cascade Locks 383 $477 17 $310
2 Stevenson 613 $991 34 $743
3 Dundee 1,001 $585 23 $427
4 Mount Angel 1,279 $688 358 $543
5 Metzger 1,346 $778 248 $497
6 North Bonneville 1,567 $774 25 $518
7 Fairview 1,998 $627 714 $432
8 Redland 2,127 $1,288 15 $888
9 Sylvan 2,178 $1,139 1,316 $706
10 Coast Range 2,683 $1,065 27 $660
11 Oak Hills 3,120 $876 743 $648
12 Gladstone 3,308 $640 738 $409
13 Tualatin 6,090 $1,004 2,877 $763
14 Milwaukie 6,414 $630 1,555 $447
15 Hood River County 7,116 $911 585 $655
16 Woodburn 7,142 $420 1,181 $306
17 Rockcreek 16,734 $1,075 6,761 $763
18 Battle Ground 16,843 $789 1,038 $497
19 Portland 29,527 $1,322 31,211 $912
20 Marion County 82,176 $563 12,272 $377

Gladstone, OR home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Scotts Mills 100 $779 25 $911
2 Marion 117 $363 23 $431
3 St. Paul 278 $1,031 215 $1,185
4 Donald 294 $453 66 $534
5 Maywood Park 315 $681 53 $851
6 Banks 405 $617 143 $789
7 Carson 685 $560 196 $688
8 Marion 780 $521 178 $651
9 Skyline 1003 $970 187 $1,173
10 Hockinson 1442 $873 150 $1,091
11 Kalama 1950 $801 527 $1,033
12 Yacolt 2157 $794 416 $944
13 Amity 2221 $653 724 $829
14 Gladstone 2679 $714 1966 $906
15 Mount Hood 3348 $1,001 579 $1,241
16 Troutdale 3984 $553 1692 $635
17 Oatfield 4279 $700 1215 $896
18 Camas 14543 $860 3775 $1,100
19 Hillsboro 94813 $812 59141 $1,023
20 Portland 105716 $692 82651 $885