
Butler, OK Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Butler, OK homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Butler, OK & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Chester 2 bedroom 13 $3,088
2 Mutual 2 bedroom 21 $1,177
3 Custer City 4 bedroom 27 $3,982
4 Willow 2 bedroom 39 $1,993
5 Bessie 3 bedroom 50 $3,535
6 Rocky 3 bedroom 57 $2,870
7 Hammon 3 bedroom 141 $3,307
8 Burns Flat 2 bedroom 143 $3,666
9 New Cordell 4 bedroom 151 $5,555
10 Sayre 1 bedroom 230 $2,643
11 Erick 2 bedroom 248 $2,957
12 Butler 3 bedroom 335 $4,770
13 Roger Mills County 2 bedroom 465 $2,607
14 Canton 3 bedroom 553 $3,053
15 Ellis County 2 bedroom 587 $2,556
16 Hobart 2 bedroom 845 $2,656
17 Watonga 3 bedroom 1082 $3,296
18 Washita County 2 bedroom 1462 $2,093
19 Woodward 2 bedroom 2093 $3,342
20 Weatherford 3 bedroom 2601 $5,703

Butler, OK Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Corn 12 $2,407 26 $2,939
2 Arnett 13 $2,569 51 $3,137
3 Washita 15 $1,895 52 $2,313
4 Washita 24 $2,046 192 $2,498
5 Custer City 26 $1,539 21 $1,879
6 Carter 27 $3,075 30 $3,754
7 Ellis 35 $2,437 89 $2,975
8 Roger Mills 42 $3,475 24 $4,243
9 Erick 45 $2,686 91 $3,280
10 Cheyenne 47 $2,373 138 $2,898
11 Butler 80 $3,330 73 $4,066
12 Washita 81 $2,320 509 $2,833
13 Hobart 91 $1,530 456 $1,868
14 New Cordell 109 $1,901 217 $2,321
15 Ellis County 144 $2,370 307 $2,893
16 Dewey County 162 $2,460 264 $3,004
17 Clinton 257 $2,996 818 $3,658
18 Woodward 510 $2,754 988 $3,363
19 Elk City 517 $3,033 465 $3,703
20 Custer County 1218 $3,243 2107 $3,960

Butler, OK home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Corn 184 $2,022 18 $1,496
2 Washita 458 $3,330 18 $2,164
3 Seiling 741 $2,745 10 $1,811
4 Burns Flat 869 $2,616 16 $1,648
5 New Cordell 1,198 $2,601 53 $2,028
6 Central Washita 1,354 $2,672 53 $1,923
7 Washita 1,623 $2,737 16 $2,162
8 Sayre 1,936 $2,121 31 $1,527
9 Dewey County 2,047 $2,778 10 $1,666
10 Weatherford 3,404 $5,522 650 $3,920
11 Blaine County 3,942 $2,356 40 $1,507
12 Clinton 3,971 $2,624 127 $1,758
13 Washita County 4,740 $2,109 87 $1,497
14 Elk City 4,754 $4,305 248 $3,099
15 Woodward 5,901 $2,953 509 $2,303
16 Beckham County 7,598 $3,603 279 $2,341
17 Custer County 8,910 $3,688 777 $2,692

Butler, OK home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Greenfield 24 $1,216 17 $1,422
2 Colony 63 $2,298 15 $2,895
3 Bessie 65 $1,550 14 $1,875
4 Gotebo 121 $1,037 14 $1,192
5 Leedey 136 $1,829 43 $2,158
6 Carter 148 $2,395 66 $3,113
7 Canute 162 $2,199 28 $2,594
8 Custer City 174 $1,613 102 $1,935
9 Lone Wolf 290 $1,791 93 $2,185
10 Butler 366 $3,624 86 $4,385
11 Hydro 516 $2,077 199 $2,513
12 Washita 771 $1,869 167 $2,336
13 Hobart 973 $1,624 623 $1,948
14 Central Washita 996 $2,545 392 $2,926
15 Sayre 1119 $2,812 657 $3,515
16 Ellis County 1399 $3,167 379 $3,895
17 Dewey County 1410 $2,689 397 $3,441
18 Watonga 1425 $2,551 573 $3,316
19 Washita County 3241 $2,277 1334 $2,777
20 Custer County 6514 $4,454 3907 $5,255