
Incredible Cimarron County, OK Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Cimarron County, OK homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Cimarron County, OK & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Campo 4 bedroom 52 $4,736
2 Pritchett 2 bedroom 61 $3,167
3 Texas 4 bedroom 78 $5,527
4 Texline 2 bedroom 109 $2,695
5 Texhoma 2 bedroom 117 $2,861
6 Springfield 4 bedroom 124 $4,728
7 Taloga 4 bedroom 137 $4,510
8 Sherman County 4 bedroom 138 $5,476
9 Goodwell 3 bedroom 163 $4,443
10 Boise City 4 bedroom 185 $3,903
11 Morton County 4 bedroom 190 $3,273
12 Keyes 3 bedroom 216 $3,736
13 Walsh 2 bedroom 233 $3,018
14 Baca County 4 bedroom 307 $4,072
15 Elkhart 2 bedroom 331 $3,683
16 Clayton 2 bedroom 429 $3,375
17 Stratford 3 bedroom 487 $3,723
18 Cimarron County 3 bedroom 782 $4,713
19 Dalhart 3 bedroom 1676 $3,780

Cimarron County, OK Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Vilas 10 $2,216 18 $2,808
2 Pritchett 17 $2,908 78 $3,685
3 Goodwell 24 $2,598 87 $3,292
4 Keyes 37 $1,747 66 $2,214
5 Texline 39 $2,367 81 $2,999
6 Texhoma 40 $1,828 66 $2,317
7 Walsh 40 $2,782 161 $3,525
8 Texas 53 $2,497 115 $3,164
9 Stratford 59 $2,070 66 $2,623
10 Sherman County 77 $2,610 148 $3,306
11 Elkhart 80 $1,922 58 $2,435
12 Clayton 82 $3,013 268 $3,817
13 Taloga 84 $2,627 63 $3,328
14 Springfield 115 $2,095 189 $2,654
15 Morton County 136 $2,670 130 $3,383
16 Baca County 172 $2,457 483 $3,113
17 Boise City 200 $2,313 222 $2,930
18 Cimarron County 237 $2,396 288 $3,035
19 Dalhart 503 $2,798 618 $3,545

Cimarron County, OK home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Walsh 569 $3,155 10 $2,397
2 Stratford 726 $2,326 17 $1,674
3 Sherman County 1,001 $3,073 17 $2,212
4 Morton County 1,103 $2,546 16 $1,960
5 Baca County 1,842 $3,094 20 $2,382
6 Dalhart 2,759 $3,303 84 $2,246

Cimarron County, OK home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Vilas 33 $1,611 16 $1,917
2 Pritchett 98 $3,160 50 $3,981
3 Campo 109 $1,930 52 $2,354
4 Goodwell 160 $3,881 215 $4,657
5 Keyes 166 $2,166 88 $2,750
6 Texline 198 $2,704 107 $3,407
7 Texhoma 245 $2,355 76 $2,731
8 Texas 388 $2,829 181 $3,309
9 Walsh 394 $2,728 107 $3,246
10 Stratford 574 $2,334 186 $3,010
11 Boise City 595 $1,734 224 $2,011
12 Elkhart 631 $2,858 235 $3,658
13 Springfield 635 $2,293 230 $2,774
14 Taloga 650 $3,098 249 $3,624
15 Clayton 690 $3,268 377 $3,790
16 Sherman County 754 $2,481 242 $2,853
17 Cimarron County 761 $1,849 312 $2,255
18 Morton County 883 $2,671 336 $3,071
19 Baca County 1236 $2,132 439 $2,451
20 Dalhart 1893 $2,957 909 $3,489