
Excellent Altus, OK Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Altus, OK homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Altus, OK & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Chillicothe 4 bedroom 18 $3,915
2 Martha 3 bedroom 49 $3,036
3 Carter 4 bedroom 52 $4,372
4 Duke 2 bedroom 58 $3,517
5 Gotebo 3 bedroom 61 $1,900
6 Lone Wolf 1 bedroom 78 $1,241
7 Canute 2 bedroom 83 $2,281
8 Sayre 1 bedroom 230 $2,093
9 Erick 2 bedroom 248 $3,596
10 Grandfield 3 bedroom 271 $2,721
11 Comanche 4 bedroom 301 $8,882
12 Jackson 3 bedroom 501 $4,286
13 Mangum 2 bedroom 681 $3,333
14 Hobart 3 bedroom 753 $3,566
15 Quanah 3 bedroom 850 $1,812
16 Tillman County 2 bedroom 1564 $2,356
17 Kiowa County 2 bedroom 1929 $2,206
18 Altus 2 bedroom 2739 $3,456
19 Beckham County 2 bedroom 2841 $3,762
20 Jackson County 2 bedroom 3298 $3,701

Altus, OK Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Mountain View 10 $2,009 43 $2,675
2 Chillicothe 12 $1,353 34 $1,802
3 Gould 14 $1,660 25 $2,211
4 Washita 15 $2,332 50 $3,105
5 Davidson 21 $1,973 50 $2,628
6 Mangum 24 $2,128 324 $2,834
7 Washita 24 $2,367 169 $3,152
8 Carter 27 $3,015 10 $4,015
9 Lone Wolf 30 $1,684 62 $2,242
10 Hollis 36 $1,599 199 $2,129
11 Medicine Park 40 $2,552 28 $3,398
12 Granite 73 $2,021 73 $2,691
13 Washita 81 $2,469 151 $3,288
14 Sayre 118 $2,292 216 $3,052
15 Cache 134 $2,288 12 $3,047
16 Frederick 147 $1,857 306 $2,473
17 Wilbarger County 488 $1,835 1039 $2,443
18 Altus 569 $3,237 701 $4,310
19 Jackson County 726 $3,334 891 $4,440
20 Comanche 973 $4,833 70 $6,435

Altus, OK home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Cache 765 $2,910 10 $2,328
2 Burns Flat 869 $2,417 16 $1,595
3 Jackson 870 $2,288 38 $1,441
4 Fort Sill 944 $7,395 65 $4,584
5 Quanah 1,311 $1,548 37 $975
6 Central Washita 1,354 $2,219 53 $1,420
7 Mangum 1,536 $2,413 23 $1,447
8 Washita 1,623 $2,441 16 $1,830
9 Hardeman County 1,848 $1,756 37 $1,176
10 Sayre 1,936 $2,366 31 $1,869
11 Comanche 2,082 $4,787 24 $2,920
12 Greer County 2,327 $2,436 28 $1,802
13 Comanche 3,252 $4,391 10 $3,381
14 Kiowa County 4,343 $2,116 10 $1,502
15 Vernon 4,380 $2,378 419 $1,617
16 Washita County 4,740 $3,007 87 $2,315
17 Elk City 4,754 $3,914 248 $2,465
18 Beckham County 7,598 $3,912 279 $2,816
19 Altus 8,426 $2,683 577 $2,119
20 Jackson County 10,273 $2,787 621 $1,950

Altus, OK home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Manitou 55 $828 22 $985
2 Chattanooga 111 $2,277 45 $2,914
3 Davidson 130 $2,175 49 $2,544
4 Washita 158 $2,216 37 $2,570
5 Duke 162 $2,844 18 $3,498
6 Tipton 285 $2,427 119 $3,009
7 Lone Wolf 290 $1,986 93 $2,502
8 Chillicothe 292 $1,116 58 $1,283
9 Tillman 395 $2,054 129 $2,567
10 Erick 448 $3,072 152 $3,962
11 Harmon County 737 $1,638 370 $2,096
12 Washita 956 $3,041 623 $3,922
13 Frederick 1268 $1,651 500 $1,964
14 Tillman County 2078 $2,314 797 $2,846
15 Vernon 2806 $2,401 1561 $2,881
16 Washita County 3241 $3,117 1334 $3,833
17 Altus 4986 $3,276 3646 $4,226
18 Beckham County 5141 $3,463 2757 $3,982
19 Jackson County 6510 $2,838 3968 $3,632
20 Comanche County 25587 $4,180 18730 $5,434