
Pontotoc County, OK Homeowners Insurance Marvelous Stats

Marvelous statistics that shows a lot of detail to get you a great deal on your Pontotoc County, OK homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Pontotoc County, OK & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Wapanucka 1 bedroom 19 $2,656
2 Allen 4 bedroom 20 $5,037
3 Roff 4 bedroom 27 $3,600
4 Central Pontotoc 1 bedroom 34 $1,975
5 Tupelo 2 bedroom 57 $1,818
6 Caddo 4 bedroom 60 $5,169
7 Tribbey 3 bedroom 76 $4,387
8 Stringtown 3 bedroom 78 $2,616
9 Dickson 4 bedroom 87 $8,062
10 Wynnewood 4 bedroom 119 $5,101
11 Pittsburg 2 bedroom 152 $4,443
12 Pontotoc 2 bedroom 199 $3,316
13 Lindsay 4 bedroom 295 $7,181
14 Tecumseh 4 bedroom 336 $5,102
15 Central Atoka 1 bedroom 350 $2,075
16 Marshall 4 bedroom 426 $7,003
17 Ardmore 3 bedroom 672 $3,578
18 Pontotoc 3 bedroom 1332 $4,837
19 Pontotoc County 4 bedroom 1890 $6,412
20 Seminole County 2 bedroom 3721 $3,088

Pontotoc County, OK Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989
1 Pontotoc 10 $2,790 233 $3,280
2 Paoli 10 $1,673 43 $1,966
3 Noble 10 $3,603 340 $4,236
4 Tishomingo 11 $2,836 421 $3,334
5 Tribbey 11 $2,243 36 $2,637
6 Coal 14 $1,908 232 $2,243
7 Pink 15 $2,243 249 $2,637
8 Atoka 25 $2,886 439 $3,392
9 Wanette 27 $2,842 175 $3,340
10 Pauls Valley 28 $2,926 988 $3,440
11 Johnston County 30 $2,505 808 $2,944
12 Marshall County 31 $2,323 1871 $2,730
13 Wewoka 35 $1,773 568 $2,084
14 Ada 66 $3,463 1413 $4,071
15 Shawnee 74 $3,111 3897 $3,657
16 Atoka County 88 $2,205 1254 $2,591
17 Ardmore 107 $2,730 2653 $3,209
18 Pontotoc County 139 $2,927 2610 $3,441
19 McClain County 149 $4,351 2423 $5,114
20 Carter County 156 $2,441 3372 $2,870

Pontotoc County, OK home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Allen 329 $2,392 12 $1,889
2 Atoka 1,296 $2,181 38 $1,526
3 Madill 1,338 $2,682 21 $1,636
4 Coal 1,667 $2,598 23 $1,896
5 Noble 1,946 $4,124 45 $2,969
6 Lindsay 2,028 $3,402 12 $2,653
7 Coal County 2,462 $2,120 36 $1,335
8 Marshall 2,828 $3,225 91 $2,257
9 Wewoka 2,899 $2,030 19 $1,278
10 Murray 3,192 $2,886 47 $2,222
11 Atoka County 4,866 $2,918 38 $1,750
12 Murray County 5,350 $3,402 80 $2,551
13 Pauls Valley 5,506 $3,307 127 $2,579
14 Purcell 5,821 $4,033 33 $2,661
15 Marshall County 6,134 $3,419 95 $2,530
16 Ada 8,066 $3,549 492 $2,448
17 Garvin County 10,818 $2,734 149 $1,941
18 Ardmore 13,025 $3,223 421 $2,288
19 Pontotoc County 13,199 $3,249 495 $2,501
20 Pottawatomie County 22,312 $3,862 799 $2,626

Pontotoc County, OK home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Bee 34 $1,373 17 $1,729
2 Mill Creek 102 $2,058 50 $2,551
3 Milburn 107 $1,814 16 $2,285
4 Caddo 379 $3,348 181 $4,285
5 Coalgate 504 $1,473 354 $1,782
6 Seminole 603 $2,610 147 $3,184
7 Ardmore 803 $2,177 136 $2,808
8 Bethel Acres 852 $4,380 141 $5,080
9 Johnston 863 $2,403 238 $2,883
10 Coal 1102 $2,574 489 $3,320
11 Sulphur 1196 $2,553 579 $3,318
12 Murray 1648 $2,802 440 $3,334
13 Holdenville 2288 $1,958 715 $2,290
14 Marshall 2312 $2,373 854 $2,895
15 Marshall County 4614 $2,837 1314 $3,461
16 Ardmore 9135 $2,942 4375 $3,559
17 Pontotoc County 9833 $3,531 4859 $4,590
18 McClain County 10197 $5,355 2313 $6,426
19 Carter County 12169 $2,554 5190 $3,064
20 Cleveland County 65361 $4,999 30063 $6,098