
Incredible Payne County, OK Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Payne County, OK homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Payne County, OK & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Depew 4 bedroom 15 $4,386
2 Westport 4 bedroom 18 $6,862
3 Ripley 4 bedroom 26 $4,522
4 Prue 2 bedroom 83 $2,056
5 Yale 4 bedroom 88 $3,611
6 Carney 2 bedroom 89 $3,421
7 Mannford 4 bedroom 93 $7,627
8 Glencoe 3 bedroom 111 $4,466
9 Covington 2 bedroom 130 $2,156
10 Garber 3 bedroom 212 $3,596
11 Davenport 3 bedroom 266 $3,465
12 Crescent 2 bedroom 523 $3,071
13 Drumright 3 bedroom 826 $2,887
14 Chandler 2 bedroom 999 $2,537
15 Ponca City 4 bedroom 1704 $4,908
16 Meeker 3 bedroom 1745 $5,596
17 Logan County 4 bedroom 3160 $8,415
18 Pawnee County 3 bedroom 3809 $3,141
19 Payne County 4 bedroom 4959 $9,292
20 Lincoln County 3 bedroom 7875 $3,613

Payne County, OK Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Orlando 20 $2,177 13 $2,519
2 Morrison 23 $2,237 29 $2,589
3 Agra 26 $1,733 10 $2,005
4 Covington 33 $1,978 40 $2,289
5 Westport 36 $3,151 54 $3,646
6 Jones 46 $3,889 146 $4,500
7 Drumright 85 $1,613 142 $1,867
8 Perkins 100 $2,887 152 $3,341
9 Yale 114 $2,154 92 $2,492
10 Paden 181 $2,634 76 $3,048
11 Slick 228 $2,369 177 $2,741
12 Pawnee 333 $2,938 228 $3,400
13 Harrah 397 $4,486 215 $5,191
14 Choctaw 588 $4,292 544 $4,966
15 Ponca City 663 $3,162 1959 $3,658
16 Keystone Lake 879 $3,867 559 $4,475
17 Midwest City 1839 $3,270 4564 $3,784
18 Payne County 3909 $4,208 3386 $4,869
19 Creek County 4146 $4,299 3385 $4,974
20 Edmond 6781 $5,743 2384 $6,645

Payne County, OK home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 McLoud 826 $3,446 13 $2,653
2 Mannford 919 $3,759 76 $2,932
3 Jones 954 $3,547 13 $2,482
4 Perkins 1,002 $3,598 69 $2,734
5 Crescent 1,335 $3,324 13 $1,994
6 Perry 2,967 $3,083 20 $2,466
7 Chandler 3,031 $3,742 18 $2,432
8 Keystone Lake 3,162 $3,665 84 $2,602
9 The Village 4,264 $4,056 152 $2,758
10 Noble County 4,466 $2,987 28 $2,270
11 Cushing 4,500 $2,716 76 $1,683
12 Pawnee County 5,653 $2,344 64 $1,523
13 Sand Springs 6,501 $4,484 558 $3,228
14 Ponca City 11,136 $3,049 628 $2,103
15 Lincoln County 11,360 $3,861 59 $2,972
16 Sapulpa 12,851 $3,639 734 $2,292
17 Payne County 21,673 $5,008 3,793 $3,605
18 Creek County 22,156 $3,054 951 $2,259
19 Edmond 25,832 $6,562 2,883 $4,199
20 Oklahoma County 234,777 $5,162 36,849 $3,974

Payne County, OK home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Marshall 81 $1,124 32 $1,438
2 Ralston 99 $1,118 23 $1,386
3 Glencoe 170 $2,852 33 $3,479
4 Garber 227 $2,100 86 $2,520
5 Stroud 712 $2,026 481 $2,370
6 Bristow 764 $3,724 220 $4,692
7 Tonkawa 920 $1,927 475 $2,235
8 Slick 1038 $3,646 225 $4,411
9 Spencer 1051 $3,069 382 $3,836
10 Lincoln 1095 $2,800 393 $3,528
11 Garfield 1151 $2,738 376 $3,340
12 Harrah 1445 $4,538 523 $5,354
13 Prague 1517 $3,689 348 $4,648
14 Bristow 1665 $2,788 969 $3,540
15 Sand Springs 5282 $4,848 2102 $6,302
16 Guthrie 9090 $4,286 2468 $5,228
17 Stillwater 11672 $4,875 12773 $5,606
18 Midwest City 14140 $3,699 8884 $4,586
19 Payne County 15519 $5,358 14304 $6,268
20 Oklahoma County 171628 $4,703 111540 $5,925